A New World

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"Ugh.." she muttered, waking up as she was rubbing her temples. "What happened..?"
She suddenly adjusted to the environment around her. Trees and thick bushes surrounded her presence, the hot air brushing against her fur. She wasn't familiar with the place around her. Everything that happened to her felt like a blink of an eye- she couldn't remember. She suddenly winced in pain, looking at her arms which were covered in bruises and cuts. She noticed she was bleeding a bit, and she touched it with her finger, seeing the blood drip down from it. "Oh brother... should probably get this cleaned up.." she then got up, stretching out her body as she walked around, still analyzing her surroundings. She's still wondering, how did I even end up here? Where am I? It felt like her memory was wiped out clean. She couldn't remember what happened before she ended up in the place she's in now. She rubbed her head again- the blood in her head still rushing, causing minor pain. She walked through her surroundings, before noticing a bright light near the other end. She walked out, and noticed one thing. This wasn't normal. Or, at least that's what it seemed to be.

The air felt thick and humid, it was uncomfortable even walking on the rocky ground. She took a look around, people that looked.. different. They wore clothes, they didn't have any distinct patterns to them, and there were huge buildings everywhere. What seemed to be children running around and playing with each other wasn't something Alex was familiar with. "This is certainly not a comfortable environment to be in. I need to go back." The girl nearly took off before someone took notice of her and shouted, "A HYBRID!! GET THEM!!" Alex's ears perked up before she noticed people with masks on bolted after her, Alex scramming for her life. She bolted right into the town, moving and pushing others out of the way as they all gave her confused looks, not being able to take a proper glance due to her pacing. She eventually hid behind a huge building, staying dead silent before she heard them walk away. She caught her breath, panting heavily.

"I need to get out of here, this place isn't safe" she panted.
"You can say that again" her ears immediately perked up before looking to her side to notice an tan, orangish cat by her side, nearly out of breath too. "AH!" She squealed, nearly falling back before the cat grabbed her paw to lift her back up from falling, a concerned expression on his face. "Are you o-" "Please don't hurt me!! If you're gonna kill me just make it quick!!!" She squinted her eyes shut and put her paws on her face to cover it before he let out a loud laugh. Alex lifted her paws from her face, confused but a bit upset as to why he was laughing. "What's so funny..?" She asked before the cat calmed himself down. "Hah, why would I hurt you? You don't seem to be causing any trouble, so I wouldn't have a need to. Though those guys definitely seem to be on your case." Alex huffed, rubbing her head a bit. "Yeah.." "I've never seen you around before, are you new here?" The cat asked. "I actually woke up here in the middle of no where and I've never seen a place like this, my memory is so foggy.. but I basically was in the woods before walking out and those guys noticing me. They immediately started chasing me, It was scary" she responded, the cat nodding. "Mmmmm, you seem to be a hybrid, those aren't very well liked around here" Alex tilted her head in confusion, never hearing the term. "Hybrid? What's that?"

"It's what is considered a minority of our kind, basically abnormal. They have different features all over them that don't belong to their category. Believe it or not, some are more noticeable then others and it seems like you're on the more noticeable side. For instance.." He then pointed towards her hair. "That hair isn't apart of your inherited species, neither are your antlers" as he also pointed upwards her head. "And paws aren't that big either." "Interesting.." Alex mummers. "By the way, I never caught your name" "Oh, my names Alex!" She held out her paw before the cat used both of his paws to grab hers and yank it up and down, making her eyes widen. "Mines Finn! I can show you around here if you'd like." She squealed a bit before yanking her paw away, not used to that kind of interaction. "Sure, but don't do that again.. it hurt" Finn scratched the back of his head in
embarrassment. "Sorry, heh" Before the two were about to go, Finn had an idea. "Wait! You might wanna use this." He then gave her a hat, Alex putting it on her head which covered a majority of the top of her hair and her antlers completely. "Should make you a bit less noticeable now" She smiled, feeling a bit less tensed now. "Thank you" Finn looked around before giving the signal it's okay, both walking from behind the building. They walked over to the front of it, Finn stopping as he pointed it out. "By the way, I teach here!"

Alex looked up as she saw the building have the words printed "Freeview". "Freeview?" "That's just the name of the school. Teaches all grades." He explained. "I'll show you inside" He took Alex into the building, Alex's eyes widening from how huge it was inside. What looked like strange creatures to Alex, she saw them walk everywhere. Do people just like covering themselves a lot? She wondered, but nonetheless kept following along as she kept her thoughts to herself. Aside from the weird stares she received from others, Finn took her to the elevator, walking her inside as he pressed a button to go to the third floor. Alex examined the buttons, which appeared to have symbols on them. "What are those symbols?" Alex pointed out. "Oh, those let us know which floor to go on, it's prints the leader created themself. We are basically forbidden to use anything else. These symbols are actually quite co-" "What's those marks beside your eyes?" Alex interrupted, Finn rolling his eyes. "You have quite a short attention span, don't you?" He muttered. "Sorry, heh" Alex said. "But you don't need to worry about that." "Why-" "It's just not important, now follow me, we've just arrived to the third floor!" He exclaimed as he motioned his paw for her to follow, Alex raising a brow before shrugging her shoulders. They walked by a few classrooms, the signs next to them with even more weird symbols. How the heck am I ever gonna figure out this place... she groaned. Eventually, Finn's ears perked up as they arrived to his classroom door. "Here
we are!" He said, smiling. He opened the door, rows of seats and tables can be seen in the room. Alex walked in, examining her surroundings, seeing posters and more of those "weird" symbols she kept seeing. "Make yourself at home, I have to get busy grading stuff."

He said as he sat down at his desk, booting up his computer. Alex looked at one particular poster, that showed a being with the symbols surrounding it as Alex kept previously seeing. "Hey Finn? Who's that on the poster?" She pointed, Finn looking over. "Oh that? That's Octavius, our leader here. These posters are in every classroom here at Freeview, so that way every student can know who he is, and that it's our way of respecting him. Though I've never been too fond of how he treats civilians.." He explained. "What do you mean? How does he treat them?" Alex asked. "Basically if we don't fit into what his views are, or don't follow his rules, we could get in serious trouble, and he has guards everywhere making sure nothing bad happens. Hybrids are one thing he hates the most.. he preaches how they are horrid beasts and how they've mistreated and killed our ancestors. Though from what I've seen from you, you're no beast at all" Alex looked down at her paws, lowering her eyes. "I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.. I don't have any intentions to at least.." Finn then got up, putting his paw on her shoulder, giving her a light smile. "And that's why I'll try to keep you hidden, you're safe with me" Alex smiled at him, feeling reassured. "Believe it or not, you're not the first hybrid I've seen, there have been plenty of hybrid sights that the guards have caught, and they were persecuted. Plus, I do know another hybrid-" "YOU DO?!?" She grabbed his shoulders as his eyes widened, Finn quickly grabbing her paws off. "SHHH! Yes I do, but you can't make this known at all, got that?" Alex nodded her head. "I'll take you to meet-" "YOU WILL??" "Alex!!" He said firmly, Alex rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry! Sorry, go on, I just get excited" Finn sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Anyway, I'll take you to meet her eventually. For now, I have to finish grading stuff, I'm a busy adult, you know"

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