Oh, The Joy.

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The little, scrawny boy was walking, along the path like any nice, cautious teen, with a slight and happy bounce to his steps. A smile had just grazed his face before his phone began to vibrate.

"Oh.. The Joy..." He muttered as he saw the name that flashed on his screen, rolling his eyes as he flipped it open, raising it to his ear to hear a sweet voice... Though, it was a bit... Oh, what's the word? Provoking? Irritating? Oh, wait! Nope! I've got it.


He sighed as his mother reminded him to look for employment with a better pay than what he had now. Exactly three hundred Monopoly dollars, which the little lady of the house always stole from him when she's be winning at the game.

Why was she so damn good anyhow?

The scrawny teen sighed and agreed to find one, listening to his mother's warning of not to come home if he didn't complete the objective, which wasn't true. His mother loved and cared for him, but knew that this baby bird in particular couldn't stay any bit longer. Visit, yes, but stay? No. She'd still feed him and so, just less and less of the nice cooking he was accustomed to and more of the cheap store-bought brand. Gross and "oddly" not nutritious. Stupid Lunchables.

Grumbles went through his lips, something about the shit he was given, though it was all silenced once a flyer rammed to his face. He screamed, though was cut short as his realization hit him. Number one; he was in public. Number two; this was just the kind of flyer he needed.

Freddy FazBear's has Reopened his Pizzeria to the Children of Yuma, Arizona; Come! Bring your children to re-live your childhood entertainment palace! Freddy and his buddies are waiting!

In the right hand corner in small, nothing special font, informed him of an opening as their nightwatchman. The male smiled at the opening, speaking into the phone, cutting off his mother's rant on jobs will always help save you in economic troubles or so. He told her of the position, the smile never fading.

"That's great, Sweetie! I'm so glad the universe finally found a job for you!" His mother's voice was a mix of sarcasm and enthusiasm. The son dully rolled his eyes, giving a low but short chuckle in response to the joke cracked by his parent.

"Ya, ya..." He mumbled before saying a quick "bye" to his mother, exchanged an "I love you", then voiced another goodbye to his mother and flipped the phone shut. Stuffing it into his pocket, he lifted the flyer to look for some kind of address or building number.


Staring into the building, he realized how annoying and loud a joy-filled child that was hyped on caffeine, ice cream, cake, and pizza had looked like. It looked like a monster. Crumbs and chocolate spread onto their faces like they were applying make-up without a mirror. Eyes wide like they just finished snorting some powdered drug or had been drinking a shit-ton of beer. Their speed... It was unnerving. Their voices were high and... Annoying as hell. If you bottled up that noise and listened to it all; your ears would bleed. And this was all behind a glass door. He didn't understand how the security could do it... That is until he noticed their secrets. Earplugs, headphones, pretend you fell asleep so the brats don't mess with you, fingers in ears; everything. These security guards knew what they were doing.

Approaching the head guard, signified by his hat, he pondered on what to say. He fiddled with his thumbs, making soft squeaks that were meant to be words that would be formed to a question or so. The head is security turned to stare coldly at the shy boy behind him, sighing as he voiced a question on if there was an opening.

"The hell you want kid?" He asked him sternly; his sharp, cold eyes trailing over the little brown twig in front of him. The little brownie mumbled softly to himself, mostly things that couldn't be translated unless you spoke fluent gibberish. Security was getting tired of waiting quickly, his frown and eyes forming an awful leer.

This only stripped the teen of all his confidence, which, he needed to function. So now, the teen stood frozen in place, wide eyes staring at the guard at his 12. "Uh..." The flyer from before was still gripped in his hands.

"Well?" He more called than asked, seeing if he could find out where exactly the other male's mind has gone off to. He flicked the small, soft forehead of the shy, stammering boy, getting a little squeal of surprise and gentle shift backwards. "I-I s-saw the um.. The uh... The j-job opening.. A-and I... W-was wondering if I c-could work in that p-position..." He stammered out, forcing himself over a slight limit.

The much taller man raised a brow at the stuttering request. "You want what?" The younger boy began to stutter the request over again; a large, pale hand smothering itself onto his face, silencing him with that and a gentle shush that was held on until it felt right to stop. "I know wha' you said.. Just... Why'ya wan'it? Don't ya know we only hire adults?"

"O-oh! I-I'm an adult! W-well um.. A-almost, b-but I-I can st-still be hired.." He bit his lip, looking over his response after setting it adrift into the conversation. The man frowned, dawning an unimpressed expression. "And just how old are you, Mr. Adult?"


Shit.. The taller was only three years above him. The twenty-one year old clenched his fist at the predicament at hand. He gave a heavy sigh, glancing back to see if management was watching. He wasn't going let another kid die, and he wasn't gonna get either.

"Get the hell outta here, kid. You're still just a kid.." He grumbled out. The hurt forming in the facial features of the boy were guy wrenching and seemed to hurt the other more than the attacked, though he continued.

"B-but I can be hired.. J-just watch.. I-I'll be hired... Ju-"

"Just get out! You can't work here!" He interrupted, shoving him backward towards the door. "Get out! Go find some other job!"

"B-but.." He stammered; his eyes getting moist. "I-I need this job!"

"Well, go need some other job, k?" The man's voice was so low and scary it sent a shiver down his spine, making the other gulp and take a another step backward.

"We don't need some shy, stuttering idiot that's afraid of his own shadow to come and work he-"

The smaller male huffed and boldly took a step forward. "I didn't ask if you needed someone like me! I asked for the opening!" He shoved the other back. Maybe it was a bit too much and maybe.. They were a bit too close to the ball pit. He gasped, fear taking complete control of his face and frantic movements. He rushed off to find the owner, getting the job surprisingly from first glance.

The head of security fell back, head first into the small ball pit, the only thing seen of him was his dress shoes and grey pants. He growled out soft curses of anger as he stepped out of the pit, getting one thrown at him by the little twerp who occupied the little pit.

Catching a passing glance of the little dipshit that got him there in the first place as he rushed out of the building cradling a uniform in his arms. "See ya tonight... Little Brownie..."

Welp, Mike's pretty pissed! Thank you reader for choosing this for inflight entertainment!
Not sure if this chapter is long or not; but whatever! See you next chapter!

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