Big Things.

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*This will be much shorter*


Time: 2:50 a.m.

They were doing fine, nothing more, nothing less. Everything was calm and quiet.


"Did you see the black haired one?! The one with that beanie?! He like totally has the hots for your brother!!" One, maybe thirteen years, girl in pink, shiny pajamas cheered to the other three in the room.

Only two giggled with agreement, the last one dully rolling her eyes in a fit of playful behavior. "You guys are so weird.. This isn't some stupid love story.."

The three jittery girls all pouted, letting out small whines at the nonbeliever. "Oh come on! It's so obvious though!"

"And Jeremy's totally oblivious!"

"And he'll stay that way!"

Maybe after a few minutes of silence, The odd thinker tiptoed to the door and peeked her head out, suspecting the hallway. Clear, the supervisor was downstairs. She closed the door and turned to be faced with three sad little faces, puppy dog eyes, quivering lip, and they all looked like they were ready to ball... If she didn't change her mind of course.

She walked to the window, peeking a glance to the road. She sighed, feeling eyes burning holes into the back of her neck, though she didn't confront it face on. "He'll stay that way..."


The others glare shifted into a thoughtful stare at the others strange continued sentence.

She paused, feeling the tension in the room rise until she finally turned around quickly, her hair twirling along with her only a limited few strands stayed on her face, just around her eyes. "We make him see!"

The other three blinked, the information sinking in. "Make him see..." They all mumbled, the statement's commenter breathing softly with a smile, scanning their faces. "Oh my god, I'm so freakin' happy that someone other than me see them as they truly are!" The other three leaned forward. "Gay. Gayer than anything in the world!"

The girls nodded in agreement, clapping their hands. The main speaker stood there proud of her short speech, panting from the amount enthusiasm and energy she had just used.


They somehow managed the trust with a white board as they now plan. "Jeremy comes back home in the middle of the night and I found out that that guy, I think his name is Mitch or something, ya, he gets off in the day. Then he goes at night to help my brother out." All three squealed softly at the last sentence they were given. "That's just adorable!!" A girl managed to squeak through the happiness running through her veins.

They continued after the short session of squeals. "Ok, we can't do that anymore. It'll mess up our covers." The sister smiled, clapping her hands. "Now..." She turned back to the chart and pointed to a building. "Mitch gets off of work when we get off of school, now we can't really skip school, but we can skip our weekends. So, 2:50 is when we leave to go to FazBear's, then at 3:00, we get into Mitch's truck, not too hard, I remember he told me he left it unlocked. Just a warning, it does smell.. Really bad." She said, shuttering gently. "What we need to do is clean it. So then, it's boyfriend ready."

The others stared at her, confused.

"Jeremy like clean stuff..."

"Ok," she mumbled, returning to the topic at hand. "We have about 15 minutes to clean it out and make it smell way better. Sasha?" Sasha's eyes shifted to stare over at the sister. "You bring the Febreeze. Sydney? Rebecca?" Sydney piped up, excited. "Ya, boss?" The sister rolled her eyes, smiling at how peeked up at the fact she was being called on. Rebecca smiled in a gentle, calm way. "Mhm?"
"You guys are bringing the bags."

Sydney whooped in a cheer, plopping back on the bed. "Yes! We're gettin' dirteh!!"

Rebeca laughed at the actions of her partner, grunting softly when she flopped over. Sasha glanced over at the sister. "But, Sammy," Sasha paused, squinting her eyes. "What are you gonna do?"

Sammy smirked, doodling a stick figure in front of another, taller one. "I'm going to be the distraction, just in case you guys didn't finish in time-"

There was a knock on the door that made everyone freeze. "Are you girls hungry?" A woman's voiced asked from the other side. Rebecca piped up, after checking the other's faces; finding it was a yes. "Ya, ma!" The woman instructed to come down stairs. "We're having pizza~" the woman sang as she stepped down the stairs. The girls squealed and ran to the door, ready to devour the great food item of pizza.

After they were all done, they thanked the woman and all rushed up the stairs, reviewing over their plans. Who brought what. What they were all going to do. Then, who was going to sleep on the floor. Sammy suggested it'd be her, but Sydney took that slot very quickly. She sighed and boarded the small bed, closing her eyes to fade away into her dreams.

Big things were happening tomorrow.

Big things.


Look an update!


Whoooooooo. This took way longer than expected.



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