Break From The Usual

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Hajime Haru, a 16 year old. The boy who lived as a living parasite. His parents died a few years ago and he lived off of the insurance and savings left behind by them. His household, despite being cleaned regularly, felt decrepit and empty.

The alarm clock blares loudly as 6:00 hit. Beneath the mountain of blanket (Yes, singular), rises Haru. Reaching his arm out, he stops the alarm and looks out the window. He sees two birds on the electric wires shortly before they had noticed something and flew away.

He slips into his slippers and walks to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he sees the shape he's in: His hair is messy and oily, and his lifeless eyes that are sucking out the color out of everything around him.

He hops in the shower to refresh himself, changes loosely into his school uniform's button up and pants and brushes his teeth.

He spits into the sink before looking at himself in the mirror. He takes this time to fix his hair a bit before cleaning his mouth from the leftover toothpaste. He puts on his tie and blazer.

Walking past a few rooms, he heats up some water before making himself come instant ramen for breakfast. He sits in the kitchen seat before his cup ramen steam leaks through a tiny gap in the cover.

Once he deems that the ramen's done, he immediately digs in. Once he's done, he heads back to his bedroom.

He looks at his textbooks and goes over what he needs for today and puts them in his bag. He goes over to the counter to unplug his phone from the charger and sits down on his bed. He puts his elbows on his knees with his phone held by both hands and stares into his reflection in the black screen. There was no real thought behind this action.

After a few seconds, he puts his phone and wallet in his pocket and heads out. He turns back towards his empty home and sighs.

"I'll.. be going now."

He goes through the metro station before arriving at his school. He arrives in class in time and takes a seat in his desk at the back near the back away from the windows. He had observed that the more popular people sat next to the window. Their "light" was blinding compared to him.

He went through his class normally before the bell rang, announcing lunch break.

"Class is dismissed." The teacher said. "Remember to look over pages 145 to 148. No homework for today."

Some students cheered from the news of the lack of homework they had to do for the next class. In this time, Haru had already left for the cafeteria where he bought a tuna sandwich. It had nothing other than tuna and lettuce with a little bit of mayonnaise. he had a little change left before buying a juice can from the vending machine.

He sits on the roof of the school among many other people who decided to gather there. Taking a bite of his sandwich, he almost chokes on it from the dryness of everything in the sandwich. Somehow, even the lettuce was dry. The only moisture that was inside that sandwich was from the mayonnaise. He washes it down with the juice before he would die of asphyxiation.

He notices Kenji walk by. Kenji is in Haru's friend group. Knowing that, he knows that the rest of his friends would be with Kenji. 

He trails behind Kenji and finds them. He was right. Walking up to them, he speaks up:


They couldn't hear him. So he decides to tap on one of their shoulders.

He walks up to the closes one and taps their shoulder.

Instead of what he expected, they scream.

"AH!" They scream and turn around. "Fuck, Haru! You surprised me there!" Exclaimed Xu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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