Chapter 2

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Thwack! Crack! Clink...creak...

Sweat drips down off my chin as I pant for breath, staring at the swinging bag.

"Great job, Green! You might actually win this year's world championship!" My coach beams proudly. "You've come so far from when you started."

I peel off the Velcro of my gloves, tucking them under my arms as I wipe the sweat off with a towel my coach hands me. "Thanks, Coach," I reply, my breathing heavy.

"Just keep up the training and you'll win, I'm sure of it this year."

I roll my eyes a bit, unsure myself if I'll actually win.

For the past seven years, I've fought tooth and nail to win a boxing championship. For seven years, I have failed right at the end.

I glance up at the clock in the training room. Gritting my jaw, I step away from my coach, headed to the locker room. I've been training all day, and I'm sure Wally might still need to be picked up from school.

Opening the locker doors, I am blasted by a heatwave of steam. Coughing, I step through, taking in the guys laughing and talking in the showers. I shake my head, walking over to my locker.

"Yo, Green! How's training to be the second best going?" One guy, Ven, calls out, smirking at me as his group snickers.

"How's training to be in last going?" I respond, grabbing my shampoo and body wash and looking it over. "Oh, wait, you don't ever qualify to get into the championships. Sorry, bro." I give him a pitiful smile as I walk passed him.

His smirk drops from his face. "Green! You think you're hot shit? You're not. Coach may like you, but you won't last here."

"Try me, I've been here for seven years. Try to kick me out. I fucking dare you," I throw over my shoulder, stepping around the corner and into a shower stall. "Now leave me the fuck alone. I'd like to shower in peace without the high school attempts of trying to be better than me."

I can hear as they storm off, grumbling and being pissed off in general. I just roll my eyes.

His little group is fresh out of high school, so I understand the need to go after someone, but I'm not that guy.


I step into my truck, glancing down at the mess still in my passenger seat and groan a bit. Leaning over, I scoop up as much shit as I can and shove it into my backpack.

"Hopefully he doesn't want to see in the front," I mumble as I flip on my truck.

I flip on the radio, some music I've never heard blasting through my speakers. I roll my windows down as I drive off towards the highschool to get Wally.

As I drive, I notice a line of people outside of an ice cream shop. Maybe I can stop by a place with Wally? Though Aj might get jealous.

The school comes into view and, not seeing Wally yet, I pull to a stop at the sidewalk near the front gates.

Stepping out of my truck, I push my hair out of my face, irritated that my bangs slipped out of the ponytail I'd just tied them back in.

Some girls squeal nearby, so I turn to see a gaggle of what I'm assuming is popular girls. I send them a quick, small wave and shut my truck door, walking around to stand on the sidewalk leaned on the side of the hood.

Wally comes out of the school a few minutes later, glued to his phone. His face is twisted up, as if waiting for a message.

I look down at my phone and pull up our most recent conversation, sending him "look up".

He pauses once he receives the message, his head lifting. A grin spreads across his face as he runs towards me, throwing his arms around my neck.

"Chase!" He squeals. "Thanks for picking me up!"

I chuckle, patting his back. "No problem," I reply. "Wanna go get a snack with me? I'm thinking of ice cream or coffee."

He bounces onto his toes, his hands flapping with excitement. "Yes! Please!"

I smile at his display. "Front or back seat?"

"Front please!"

I chuckle and open the door for him. I catch a small glimpse of pink on his ears as he crawls into the seat.

"Excuse me, could we also get a ride?" I hear a girl ask.

Without even needing to turn, I can sense it's the group of girls I saw earlier. I turn anyways and am greeted by said girls.

"Why?" I ask, keeping my tone even.

"Well, my boyfriend ditched me and none of us have a car," one of the girls says.

"Well, I'm sorry, but how's that my problem?"

They blink at me before looking at each other.

One speaks up. "W-well, we're friends with him!" She points at Wally, who looks like a deer caught in headlights.

I turn my back completely on them, leaning my arms on the rolled door window.

"Wally, do you know these girls and should I bother?" I ask, tilting my head similar to a dog.

Wally looks at the girls for a moment before looking at me and shaking his head. "I don't know them."

I turn my head to the girls, wave at them and walk around the front of my truck passed them. I step in and slam the door shut. "Bye." I wave at them before pulling away from the sidewalk.

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