Was I Like That?

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Eren POV

'Eren you asshole,' Annie shouted at me with her hands on her hips 'go and apologise to her right now; and while you're at it give her the basket and the money too.' Annie took the water gun away from my hands and replaced it with the basket.

'I don't know where she lives though.' I said, trying to get out of it. Yes, I admit it was my fault, but I just couldn't be bothered going to apologise to her.

Annie creased her eyebrows together, 'I know you're trying to get out of it, but it's not going to work. There's a map inside fortunately. Go now.' With Annie's forced tone I was compelled to go, if I didn't listen to Annie I'm afraid my life would be quickly ended.

Getting the map out I looked at the directions and began to walk to the house. I'm sure that was the girl at the train station. Damn, I just can't catch a break. I'll just pretend I haven't met her before. That way it'll be easier.

Turning to my left, I came to the drive way. I started to walk up and began to see the old traditional house. In front of the house was a blue beetle car – they're out of fashion aren't they? Strolling to the front door I knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything for a while but then I suddenly heard footsteps approaching the door. The door slid open and I saw a woman with a friendly smile.

'What brings you here?' She looked down and saw the basket in my hand. 'That's mine, did Mikasa forget to bring it back. That girl just won't come out of her room.' I widened my eyes and looked down at the floor guiltily. I didn't think that girl would be so affected by it. The woman stepped out of her house with her feet bare, and grabbed my shoulders. 'Did you do something to Mikasa?'

'I may have accidently sprayed her with my water gun.' I said whilst looking away. The woman let go of my shoulders and shoved me inside. 'I just came to return the basket and the money.'

'No, you'll go in and apologise.' I was about to protest when she said with her fist clenched. 'If you don't, I'll cut off your friends food supply. You don't want that do you?' This woman was scary... She leads me to the girl's door and knocks. 'Mikasa you've got a guest.' With that said the woman quickly left.

I heard footsteps then the door unlock. Slowly, the door slid to the left, and a small gap popped open, revealing an eye peering at me. As the eye made contact with me it widened, then the door was slid back. I put my fingers in between the gap which was left, and tried pulling the door. 'Let go.' The girl said.

'I came here to apologise.' I said whilst trying to shift the door open.

'Did you come voluntarily or did someone make you do it?' I didn't reply. How did she guess so accurately? 'If you genially don't want to apologise, just leave because I hate liars.' Suddenly the girl let go of the door and I slammed the door open. 'Just go away. If you want to say sorry just say it. I know when you say it though it won't mean anything, because you don't care at all, you don't care about others feelings do you?' She looked down at the ground with her hands clenched together.

I gawked at her, surprised by her outburst. 'I–' I stopped talking when I saw tears drip down her face.

'Just leave, leave me alone.' For a moment I suddenly remembered. Was I like that? Was I like that to everyone when they died? Was I like that when my parents died? 


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