2 dropped

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"Aaahhh....ahhh...ahh" I tried to scream, but I couldn't hear my own voice. I was just now in an accident, is my body even okay, and are my ears okay. Why can't I hear anything? Why cannot I feel any pain?

Am I going to die?????

I tried to open my eyes and prepared myself for the worst but the sudden appearance of strong rays of light flooded my eyes and blurred my vision for an indefinite period of time. As I tried my hardest to make out the surrounding and was first time pleased to see my other classmates. Were we really okay?

I touched my body from bottom to top and was relieved to find it in one piece. Not even a single cut or bruise. But how is that possible? Weren't we just now the victims of an unfortunate road accident? Am I dreaming?

The number of unanswered questions only increased further when my vision was reconfigured to its normal state. I and my classmates were standing on a huge white marble platform circular in shape and was floating mid air without any support. There was no land to be seen. The whole area was drenched in a white light, which had no source in whatever direction I looked, but the light brought a soothing feeling to my eyes and my skin felt warm. I calmed myself and started registering the information in my brain.

The sky was clear with no clouds. It was an unusual ending space and the clouds at our feet made it more unbelievable. All the students were in healthy conditions and have come to their sense which was quite obvious with the fuss they had started to make. I pinched myself and felt the pain which gave me the creeps that is this method really viable to draw the line between reality and dream. Because just then an ANGEL with white wings spread across its back descended on the platform out of nowhere.

Most of the students were first startled and took a defensive stance to see an alien being but after a short while, seeing no signs of hostility they ran towards him in hope of getting their illogical questions answered.

"Hey man, where are we?"

"Did you bring us here?"

"What do you want to do with us?"

"Sir, can you please tell me where my parents are."

Some of the students started crying. Some went to the edge of the platform and played tricks of jumping. Some girls crowded near the class rep who tried his best to clear their doubts by reassuring them of his own position in class.

"Are we dead."

"Did the bus accident really kill us all?"

"Is this the place where people are judged before they are being sent to heaven or hell?"

"Is this really it? I want to go home."

The word 'home' caught everyone's attention and they started raising their voices to force out the answers from him even if it meant they would have to fight. Some of them like me stood at their places waiting for an answer to clear our doubts and afraid to be a part of an angry mob which had resorted to vandalism.

The angel's face showed no sign of discomfort or surprise. He quickly grasped the situation and came up with the best solution. He flew high up in to the air with his white feathered wings spread out in the sky, a loop of light radiated from his back, which caught everyone's attention and distracted their minds.

He was truly a mystical being. The perfect picture of an angel with wings and white gown which went below his feet and even covered his own shadow.

"CHILDREN OF THE MORTAL RACE. PLEASE LISTEN TO MY REQUEST. FOLLOW ME TO THE PANTHEON AND ALL YOUR DOUBTS WILL BE CLEARED." These words from a non-human character played like a beautiful sonnet in my ears and made me unable to deny his petty request. Every student became silent, some wiped off their tears and moved to the middle of the platform and then looked back at the angel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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