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I was scrolling on Edtwt. It became a daily task at this point. I searched for ways to lose weight. Until I saw such a video. A video that would ruin me. More than I know.

"Wieiad a thread for Edtwt" it seemed interesting so I clicked on it. I saw their eating habits and wanted to copy them. They were so thin in their bodychecks. I wanted that too. So I followed their exact eating patterns. For a whole month.

I still felt no change. I was getting frustrated. I searched "how to lose weight" on Edtwt. "Calories I eat in a day to lose weight" Calories? What are those I wondered. I really hope I hadn't.

I searched for hours on end until I finally got it. The less calories I ate the thinner I would become. It all felt too easy. But I didn't care I wanted pretty over anything else.

I spent hours learning how to calculate calories. I ended up only eating 200 calories a day. As that was the lowest I could go considering I still had to eat dinner.

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