Ivar Ragnarsson x mutant female reader 2/2

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Shows: Vikings and X-men

Ivar ragnarsson x female mutant reader

Requested by: no one

Warning this contains: ooc ivar, canon divergance

You look over the village, your home,after the fiasco that happened nearly a whole year ago word spread that Thor had a chosen, a woman, and that she had lived here.

Many men came for your hand in marriage, others to see the feats of the chosen and a fair few for shelter, you turned the men away with threats, the ones who wanted to see your powers the villagers wrote them off and for the ones seeking shelter, you always helped them, finding them work and a home.

You were walking through the village one day when one of the newer people came running to you, panting, "my lady, there's men at the entrance, they said they wanted to see the chosen" shaking your head you reply "give them the decoy", the village had come up with multiple plans for the annoyances that come to the village, including one where they get a different person to pretend to be the chosen.

"They didn't believe it my lady, one of the men said he was there that day" sighing heavily, you were getting pretty annoyed by the pedestal these people put you on, but nonetheless you square your shoulders, took a deep breath and headed to the gates.

'Its him' you recognised him, it had been near a year, but you knew those eyes, the blue-grey that seemed to brighten as he saw you, 'he's standing' you notice, you also notice metal pieces on his leg that seem to be holding him up 'ahh prosthetics'.

You stood in front of the gates to the village, protectively, waiting for them to speak.

The man walked towards you slowly before bending the knee "greetings chosen, my name is ivar ragnarsson, son of ragnar lothbrok and aslaug Sigurdsdottir, i come with a proposal"

"You were there that day, the day i revealed myself" you spoke, "yes chosen" the man, no ivar, looked up at you, his eyes seemed to sparkle as he caught your eyes, though his face and body language showed he was still guarded, you couldn't help yourself, you reached your hand out slowly, mesmerised, his eyes followed the movement but not making any move to stop you.

"You were different then, but your eyes" you spoke "your eyes hold the same fire, the same.... beauty" you spoke the last word in english, though you think he can speak english as the tips of his ears turn run at the word, you remove your hand though reluctant, you knew you had to get this over with "what is your proposal ivar" you asked him.


You look over your kingdom, the place you will raise your children, where you were married to your husband, where you, under the tree you were married, confessed to being from the future and where your husband excepted you and your love

Your husband, Ivar ragnarsson, the day he came to you, on his knees for help in his revenge, hell even the day you looked at him in his beautiful eyes, you knew you would say yes to anything.

"Lost in thought, my queen" you heard his voice behind you, letting a smile blossom on your lips "always, my king" you replied, before spinning around right into his arms, your lips meeting, in greetings.

"And how are you my little prince" Ivar leant down to your growing belly, "or princess" you reminded him, making him huff in amusement "yes or princess" he agreed before standing again and kissing your lips again, holding you he says "i hope they get your hair", "and i hope they get your eyes" you reply leaning on his chest, Ivar laughs before saying "you have always loved my eyes"

"That i have, my king"

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