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Emotional Tate upcoming in this chapter, kinda filler chapter it's mostly just Tate dealing with her trauma, next chapter we see the first real attack lol

The group sat in the park debating on who could be the killer.

Tate and the twins were talking, Tate and Mindy about their shared class while Chad stuck rainbow smiley face stickers alone her forearm and hand.

"What are you doing?" Mindy asked him chuckling, "Tate looks depressed so I'm giving her gay stickers."

Tate laughed and rolled her eyes, "I don't look depressed" he looked at her and raised his eyebrows, "I'm just tired, I had to finish  project that's due in a few days."

"Bullshit but ok." Chad continued and Tate gave up, her and Mindy kept talking about this big test they had coming up.

Tara kept glancing at Tate who was still thinking about the situation between her mom and her friends.

The park was super busy, students bustled around with friends.

Mindy stood up and loudly spoke, "ok nerds! Listen up!"
She cleared her throat, "as scary as this all is I'm actually relived that  I can redeem myself for not guessing the killers last time."

Chad pulled out a notepad, "dude what are you doing?" Tate looked at her dorky best friend, "shut up"
"They way this all looks is someone is trying to make a sequel to the requal."

Anika raised her hand, the other new addition to the friend group, "um, what's a requal" Mindy smiled at her girlfriend, "honey I love you, keep up."

Tate couldn't sit still, her leg bounced uncontrollably, the noises all around her felt suffocating.
Abruptly she stood up, "Tate?" Chad asked, "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Mindy stared blankly at her, "your gonna die, you never say I'll be right back.", "shut up Mindy"

Mindy looked her friend up and down and gave her a look, "I'm not a killer man, I just had four cups of tea today."

She left and heard Mindy continue her rant.


She was washing her hands and looked in the mirror, she looked exhausted.
In truth her nightmares had been coming back.

She to on a deep breath, she could predict what Mindy was saying, probably something about suspects and how likely everyone is to die.

Her likelyhood was probably pretty high, this was officially her third time with this shit.

Her phone buzzed which made her gasp.

She pulled it out and saw a call from a unknown caller.
"Shit.. " she begrudgingly answered.

"Hello, Tatum. "
"Fuck you, what do you want?", "now that's no way to talk to a stranger, I just want to help you."

She laughed fakely, "help me? Bitch your a psycho! You can't help me?"
She could sense the evil smile through the phone.

"Your troubled, you haven't seen your therapist is weeks."
She felt her heart stop, "and how the hell do you know that?", "I know lots of things."

His voice was sickening, "shut up!"
Angry tears filled her eyes, why was she crying so much today?

"Are you gonna slash me up? That's what happened last time, but you'll know that wouldn't you?"

She was loosing patience, "just a warning my friend are expecting me back, if I die they'll be pretty fuckin suspicious!"

She remembered the tracer her mom gave her incase of this situation, "no, but I'll see you soon, very soon. Tell Tara I say hello. "

He hung up, "he fucking hung up? Hes the killer and he called me but hung up!"

A woman walked in and gave her a weird look, "um, work call... "

The trade didn't work, the call was to short from when she started.

Tate walked out of the bathroom, her legs felt like jello but she couldn't stop, if she stopped she would start crying and she can't cry! She has to be strong not some wus whos traumatized.

She collected herself and walked back to her friends.
"Hey, you are gone for a while are you ok?" Sam touched Tates arm to give her comfort, "yeah, just got water on the way back."

Everyone was standing up, getting ready to head back to the dorm to watch some tv.

"What time is it?" Tara walked next to Tate, "um, 3:45" Tara nodded, "cool"

Tara cut the tension and grabbed Tates hand, Tate awkwardly let go, to play if off she tied her shoes, "sorry the laces are just so long, they keep coming undone, I'll meet you are the car!"

Tara sadly looked at her girlfriend, "ok" ok, just ok.

Tate felt horrible, but she needed space for a while, from everyone.


At the dorm Tate took a shower to clear her head, when she got out Tara was outside the door.

"Wow babe, what's up?" Tate out the towel from her hair down and Tara dragged her to her room.

"You, what's wrong"

Tate chuckled, "pardon? Nothing I'm fine."

Tara huffed, "you must think I'm an idiot, your gonna tell me what's wrong, I don't care."

Tate took a moment, and then spoke, "last Friday it was a year. "

Tara looked confused, "one whole year since I watched my dad die in a pool of his own blood..."

Tara's eyes we're sad, "and I haven't seen my shrink in weeks, I've been lying to my mom about it, she thinks I'm fine, maybe she suspects something but I've been lying! To my own mother!"

Shiny tears were finally falling down her face.
"I don't know what to do! The fucking killer called me today!", " what! When?" Tara still stood back letting Tate speak.

"He threatened you..." Tate held her head and paced, "I don't know what I would do if you died! And if my mom dies? Tara I cant live though that!"

Her voice broke and her tears were sticky against her cheeks, "god dammit I can't loose anyone else! I have one blood relative left! And only a few people on consider family and all of them could die."

Her pacing intensified, "not to mention you hate my mom!", "I don't hate your mom honey" Tara though about her words, "I dislike her but that will pass I swear."

"I-I think- I think I'm loosing my mind" her words stuttered.

Tara without speaking hugged tate, she just embraced her girlfriend and let her cry into her shoulder.
Tara put her soft hands onto Tatums face, "shut up" Tate wiped her face and listened.

"I don't want to watch you die too", "we're going to be ok Tatum."

"Lay down", "huh?" Tara almost threw Tate down onto the soft blanket, "I'll wake you up when we get food ok? But for now you can sleep knowing I'm right here, because I won't leave you."

Tara layed down next to Tate and brushed Tatums short hair out of her face, "some virgin in an mask isn't going to get me, not before Sam does seeing her paranoia" Tara laughed.
Tara put greys anatomy on the computer next to the bed and a distraction.

Tate eventually fell asleep, she could feel Tara next to her.

She fell asleep knowing when she woke up she would stop moping around, she was going to suck it up and beat some ghost face ass!

So I tried some more emotional Tate this chapter, idk how I like it but it won't last long, obviously she'll still be a little emotional through it all but she's also gonna be tough and mad.

As always UNEDITED.

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