Chapter 2

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Ember had been stuck in the cave for over 12 hours now. She has started to see things. Ember is going crazy. She walks back into the cave where she found the ancient scroll. The only good thing about being stuck in the cave is that she has time to think. I wonder what the prophecy means. It does mean something terrible will happen. Why do I care, I do care because if something terrible happens Glory and Sapphire could be in trouble. But Springwings are strong. They will do anything for their family. But what will I do? She sighs to herself. Ember sits down on the cold wet ground and stares into the blank cave roof. The roof was now not the blackness it was now it was covered in thousands of tiny glow worms of all different sizes and colours. It was like looking up at the sky. Ember runs back into the other cave. I was born on the reddest moons would that mean I can read minds and foretell the future? That will explain all of those visions and why I can see into Glory's and Sapphire's minds. What if I am a winsia? Let's test it out, I guess. She sighs one huge sigh.

"Hey rock, I command you to move out of the way!" Ember shout.

Nothing happens, she says it again this time louder, "Hey rock, I command you to move out of the way!"

Still, nothing happens, she was about to give up when the rock moved just a little bit. Ember gets excited. She says the command one more time and she hopes it will work this time.

"Hey rock, I command you to move out of the way!" She said it so loud you could hear it halfway across the continent. The rock doesn't move, but then out of nowhere the rock flies out of the way. Yes!!!!! It worked! I should tell Glory and Sapphire about this. Wait no, I am going to keep it a secret, for now, they can figure it out on their own. It is my power and my secret. Let's get out of here!!! Ember was walking through the tunnels, and she had a moment to think. But the only problem is that she never thinks, with all of the minds in her head and the visions she has, there is no room for her thoughts. She thought about being free of her worries, but that didn't last long, her thoughts turned dark as a vision, if the other tribes found out about her power it wouldn't be good. She kept walking along the mazes of tunnels when she found herself face-to-face with Scarlet. Ember didn't dare to look up.

"Gulp" Ember gulped. Ember slowly lifted her head to meet Scarlet's eyes.

"HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF THE CAVE???????" Scarlet shouts. Ember looks around for a reason.

"I... I... I was just really strong and angry, so I destroyed that rock with my fire and my tail." Ember says. She was pretty happy with herself thinking up that lie to save her butt. Ember stared into Scarlet's deep red eyes, and she stared back, the stare was a haunting sight. She would stare at you with her deep red eyes that look like they're on fire (probably because they are on fire). It was hard to stare back at her. Ember never managed to do it, but now with her powers, she can see what will happen, hear what will be happening inside Scarlet's head, and maybe use some of winsia to shut her up. But she doesn't know what will happen if she uses too much of her winsia. Ember sighs one big sigh and stared the hardest she had ever stared at someone. Why has she gotten so good at staring and how did she escape the cave, I put the biggest stone in the cave so she wouldn't get out. Thought Scarlet. Let's see what will happen if I win this staring contest, Ember searched her mind for the possibility of her winning. Finally, she found one it looked like it was about to happen! She stared harder at Scarlet she could see that she was starting to crack. Which is good! Finally, Scarlet couldn't handle it anymore. Her red eyes turned away in frustration that she had lost against the worst starter in Prizari.

"How... How did... you bet me? No one has ever beaten me in a staring contest." says Scarlet as she stumbles over words. Ember smirks to herself and walks off back into the never-ending tunnels. Wow, I can't believe that I bet Scarlet at a staring contest, plus I am the one who can't look someone in the eye for less than two seconds!! Ember continues to walk along the mazes of tunnels when she hears a familiar voice, She could hear Glory and Sapphire talking to each other. Looks like Sapphire is more confident than I thought. Ember thinks. She ducks back into a shallower gap in the wall to keep hidden, she doesn't want Glory and Sapphire to find out where she's been or how she got out. After a couple of minutes, Glory, and Sapphire walks past in cheerful mode. Ember smiles from where she is hiding. She watches Glory and Sapphire laugh and giggles about what they're saying. Ember was pleased that Sapphire was happy, but she never seems happy when she is there. I wonder why Sapphire is so happy around Glory and won't go this close to me or even speak to me. Ember thinks as she looks into the tunnel again to see if they had gone. Ember also needs to keep an eye out for Scarlet in case Scarlet finds her again. The more cautious she was, the less likely anyone finds her. Before she came out of her hiding spot, Ember poked her head out of the gap to see if the tunnel was clear. She came out to walk into the tunnel. She made sure she didn't make too much noise as she walked down the tunnel. Ember was looking for the lake that runs through the cave but first, she needs to get to the main cave in the middle of this big cave. She might need to find the main cave, but she needs to get to the cave without being seen or making a loud noise that will catch the others' attention. Ember creeps though the tunnels keeping her reflexes up on high alert for any sounds, voices, or movement. She finally gets to the main cave, and there it was, the entrance to river. She looked around once more, close clear. She was about to walk into the middle of the cave when she heard voices coming this way. She ran as fast as she could towards the river, she jumps in just in time before Glory and Sapphire could see her jump into the river.

She dived down deep into the darkness of the water. The water felt cool and relaxing on her scales. She likes the water. I can't wait until I get to see the real ocean with the sand!! Ember thought as she swims deeper into the underground river. After a couple of minutes, you finally reached the gap. The gap was ridged and sharp, but it was wide enough to fit a dragon in there, just. Ember squeezed though the tiny gap and started to swim even further into the water cave. She swam as fast as she could as she was worried something might go terribly wrong. As she got deeper into the cave the tunnel started to widen. YES!! NEARLY THERE!! Ember roared with excitement as she slowly come to an opening in the cave. She got out of the water slowly and carefully with her reflexes on high alert. When she reached the stoney bank on the cave she realised that was a waterfall crashing down in front of her. The sound was relaxing. No-one to shout, no awkward silence, and definitely no nagging little sister Glory!! This was heaven to Ember. She can sit here for hours and wait. The sound of the waterfall was now only a background sound, the main sound was the one coming from the other side of the wall. Ember froze not making any movement in case that somebody was Scarlet on the other side.

"Find Ember!! NOW!!" The voice sad, Ember gulped she thinks that voice might be Scarlets!!

"Yes Scarlet" two younger voices sad nervously. OH NO!! OH NO!! OH NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!! If Glory comes swimming and she could easily fit though that gap!! Ember started to panic after those voices was said. Ember jumped back into the water and searched for any rocks she could put in front of the entrance to stop Glory coming though. She heard a splash in the water on the other side of the gap. Ember searched with fiery determination, and she finally found one. It was big, jagged, and bumpy, perfect for the hole. Ember slowly pushed it towards the gap in the rocks, she could hear Glory going under, swimming though the cave. Just before Glory could see Ember pushing the boulder in front on the gap, Ember put in place. Glory came round the corner, stop, and sighed, and swam back the way she came. Ember sighed a big, long sigh of relief, it was over, she was safe now.

WAIT!! HOW WILL I GET OUT!! Nope, figure that out later Ember, right now be happy you have freedom. But what Glory and Sapphire, I deal with them later, are you sure?? SHUT UP MIND!! Ember thought. Ember looked around the cave to see if there was any other way to get out. But why does Ember care, though?? She should only care that she is free form Scarlet at the moment. 

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