05: Land of Healing

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The jarring ringtone of Fuyuko's phone jolted her awake. She reached out to grab her phone, finding Arata's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey, sorry to call you so early. Did you get some rest?" Arata's concerned voice filled her ear.

"Yeah, I did," Fuyuko replied, her voice a bit raspy.

"Are you sure? You sound a bit off. Need anything?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Just a little cough," she insisted, trying to dismiss it.

Arata became worried after hearing Fuyuko continue to cough on the other end of the phone.

"I'll stop by and take care of you. We can study a bit at your place instead."

"Wait but I'm not sick."

"You can't trick me. I know you too well. I'll see you in a bit."

He hung up before she could protest any longer.

"Damn you Kousuke!" She yelled. "Who knew I'd get sick that fast? I blame him and the rain."

As she stepped out of her room, she noticed Tatsuki hurriedly tying his shoes near the door.

"That cough in your room sounded deadly so I'm going to hang out with my friend."

"I'm not coughing-"

As soon as she began to cough, he immediately opened the door and ran out.

"Everything is ruined!" Fuyuko grumbled, feeling a pang of annoyance.

"He was right. That cough was deadly." Kousuke said, appearing next to her.

"Go away! This isn't funny."

"No, I'm being serious. I don't know what you have, but it's draining your life away. I can see it."

"What!? I'm going to die?!"

He nodded, "Lucky for you I'm a God."

"Help me why don't you?!"

"Well that's something I can't do but-"

"I don't want to die!"

"Maybe if you'd let me finish talking then I could've helped."

"I-I'm sorry! Please help me." She begged, "I really don't want to die."

"I'll take you to my friend. She'll help you." He replied, extending his hand. "Hold on if you want to live."

With a mixture of fear and hope, Fuyuko grasped his hand tightly, closing her eyes she felt herself being lifted off the ground.

"We're here." Kousuke confirmed.

As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by a breathtaking landscape of pink flowers, their sweet fragrance filling the air. Golden birds flitted amongst the cherry blossoms, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

"Where are we...? It's so peaceful." Fuyuko whispered, in awe of the serene surroundings.

"We're in a place of peace and healing," Kousuke replied, his voice unusually gentle as he bent down to stroke a small brown bunny. Fuyuko couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Cute..." she murmured, momentarily forgetting her worries.

Kousuke glanced back at her, and for a moment, Fuyuko felt as though he could read her thoughts. Startled, she hurried to catch up as he led the way forward.

"W-What are we waiting for!?"

"Oh. She's in that house ahead."


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