Prom ||M.M

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"What do I wear?" Y/n asked Robin. "Uh, I don't know maybe a dress?" Y/n took out two dresses. "Just pick one for me, thanks." Y/n said Robin picked the red one. "Thanks!" Y/n said before going into her room and changing into the dress. "How do I look?" Y/n said coming out of the room. "You look amazing!" Robin said smiling. "Thanks! Also, are you gonna ask Nancy out to prom?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, I am." Y/n sat down on her bed and combed her hair, she then tied her hair into a low ponytail. She looked at the time and saw 30 minutes till prom, so she got up put her shoes on and left the house. She arrived 17 minutes later. She went in and sat down on the bleachers waiting for Max, her date. "Hey Y/n/n!" Steve said smiling before hugging her. "Hi Steve!" Steve looked around. "Where's Robin?" "I came here first, she's probably on her way with Nancy by now, anyways, what should their ship name be? Ronance?" Robin finally arrived with 7 minutes to spare. "Yes, Ronance sounds perfect!" Steve said. Y/n sat on the bleachers alone for quite some time waiting for Max while the Prom started, she sighed and looked at the others dancing. Y/n continued to wait and stared at the ceiling for awhile before someone tapped her shoulder. "Hey Y/n/n, sorry if I'm late." Max said while y/n sat up and looked at Max. "Holy crap, you look gorgeous!" Y/n said, "Thanks, you took good too. Want to dance?" Max put her hand out.

"Yeah, sure!" Y/n said taking Max's hand as she lead them to the dance floor. They both started slow dancing. "I love you." Y/n said smiling. "I love you too." Max said quietly. Robin and Nancy were on the bleachers looking at them, "At least Y/s/n sailed right?" Robin said looking into Nancy's gorgeous eyes. "Yeah, at least." Nancy quickly kissed Robin and turned back to watch the two dance, she put her head in Robin's shoulder and smiled. "Their adorable aren't they?" Nancy said before closing her eyes. "What time is it Rob?" Nancy asked quietly. "It's 10:36 PM, do you want to go home? Maybe stay at my place?" Robin asked. "Mhm.." Nancy said as Robin signed for y/n to go to her and told her, "We're going to go home first, is it okay if you can walk back? Or do you need me to come pick you up?" Y/n sat down beside them with Max. "I think I can walk home myself, or maybe Max can walk me back?" Y/n said turning to Max. "Yeah, sure, I'll walk you back." Robin and Nancy got up, "okay, so after your done with this just head straight home. Okay?" Y/n nodded as Robin and Nancy left. "Do you want to go to a place that sells some smoothies?" Y/n smiled. "Of course!" The two left to go to a place that sells smoothies and they both sat down, the two ordered a smoothie and some food and by the time they got back to their houses it was around 1 AM. Y/n tried to go in quietly but the light opened. "Where the hell were you Y/n? Didn't the prom end like 2 hours ago?" Robin said in a stern voice. "I'm sorry, I was out with Max getting smoothies and some food! I didn't mean to come back this late!"

"It's late, you should head to bed, but we're continuing this conversation tomorrow as soon as you get up." Y/n headed upstairs and locked her door. Robin went back to her bedroom and laid down beside Nancy. Y/n was changing and the phone rang. "Fuck!" Y/n said trying to answer the phone before she woke anyone else up. "Hello?" Y/n said softly. "Hey y/n, just wanted to say good night." Y/n smiled. "Goodnight." Y/n mumbled. "Goodnight Y/n." Max said before hanging up. By the next morning y/n headed down to see Robin and Nancy talking. "Took you long enough to wake up, now why we're you getting smoothies and food at 1 AM?" Y/n sat down at the table. "I was hungry and thirsty, plus I wanted to stay with Max for awhile." Robin just put the pancakes on the table. "Just eat up."

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