River Between Worlds

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Raylin and Lunar stood on the roof as the sun slowly went down. "We better get going" Raylin said looking down at the watch on her wrist. "Before we go, I have to make a quick stop" Lunar replied. Raylin already knew exactly where Lunar wanted to go. Lunar quickly opened a portal using 3rd Gate teleporting him inside the back of the flower shop where Jenny was watering her new roses. "Hey where gave you guys been, I haven't seen you all day." She said rest "I was just getting ready to close up shop for the day how about we go out and get something to eat" Jenny said lighting the room with her beautiful smile. "Well we were just about to leave I just thought I stop by and say goodbye before I go."

Lunar walked over and gave her a big hug. Jenny placed her hand on his head and whispered, "come back safely please." Lunar smiled as she squeezed him, Jenny looked over at Raylin who stood watching the two embrace each other "please take care of him for me." She said softly. "Don't you worry girl I'll make sure nothing happens to him." Raylin extended her hand towards Lunar and smiled "let's get going." When he touched her hand the two quickly turned into bubbles and disappeared completely. Jenny stood there and smiling at the beautiful sight.

A vortex of bubbles drifted from the sky teleporting them to a beautiful green field beside a huge lake. Across the water sat an old stone house cover with fonna. "Welcome to the Scottish Highlands" Raylin said as she twirled in the middle of the field. Lunar looked around at the beautiful flowing fields "What are we doing here?" He asked. Raylin ran towards the water's edge and laid back in the grass. "I missed it here so much" she said looking up soaking in the warm sun rays. Lunar walked over and sat beside her gazing across the large lake. "Is this where you grew up Raylin?"

She stood up with a smile on her face and inched closer to the water "this lake holds so many memories for me" as she started to remove the shoes from her feet. She dipped her toes in the water creating ripples in the lake. Suddenly the fish start jumping and at the center of the lake bubbles began to form. Lunar sensed an incredible magic force coming from under surface. "Looks like our ride is here" Raylin said. The water slightly parted and lily pad popped creating a bridge towards the center of the lake. Lunar was so hesitantly waiting on the bank "are you sure this is safe" he said. Raylin looked back and smiled "don't you trust me?" Her words made gave Lunar the reinsurance he needed as he walked out on the path following behind her.

A huge bubble surround them and submerged under the water. The deeper they got the less was visible. Suddenly the tempture inside the bubble dropped becoming cold. "We're almost there" Raylin. Towards the bottom Lunar saw a dim light glowing. "What's that?" Lunar said as he looked down. "That's the barrier between the two worlds." Of all Lunar's years he had never heard of this before. "This is where my people come from" she said as the barrier opened and they passed through it. The dark murky waters was suddenly became clear and light seemed to pass though it allowing Lunar to see the beautiful world below. Majestic colorful creatures swam through the water, mesmerized by these unseen before animals Lunar was completely amazed.

Raylin reached in her pocket and pulled out a small bottle filled wit a glowing blue liquid. "Here you'll need to drink this before we start your training" she said handing it to Lunar. "What is it?" he replied opening the bottle smelling it. "It's a special potion I made for you that'll allow you to breathe underwater." Lunar closed his eyes and drank the whole bottle, he began coughing violently before losing consciousness. The last thing he saw before blacking out was three beautiful women swimming above him. "Don't worry whiskers, I promise you'll be fine" Raylin said. The bubble surrounding them disappeared and the three women grabbed ahold of Lunar and took him deeper into the water.

Lunar woke up frantically in his cat form. Next to him Raylin was in the bed sleeping beside him. He nudged her multiple times trying to wake her up. "Raylin Raylin wake up" he said. It took a moment before he realized he was actually underwater but somehow he didn't feel wet at all. Raylin rolled over and said "you should get some rest, we have a lot of training to do in the morning." Lunar was to restless to just sleep, his curiosity took over and he jumped out the bed. Lunar began walking around the room looking at the strange architecture. There was a huge door made out of some type of marble, Lunar slowly pushed it opened and snuck out the room.

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