Chapter 1

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''We've had this conversation before Jane. I don't need to 'get help'". Ugh Lory was such a hard person to deal with. I don't really remember how we became friends. I've known her as long as I can remember, since we were 5. We were now 15, though its only been the two of us. Her parents constantly argued but wouldn't get divorced because of the typical 'what would society say?'. Her parents never even noticed that I stay with her in her very room. In fact, I don't remember the last time her parents checked on her. Her mental state is terrible and she needs professional help, of course, that is, if she ever listened to me.

''Come on Lo, you need to go see a psychiatrist, just once, for me?". ''Ugh fine. But just once", she sighs.
"Okay so your first session is tomorrow, are you excited?", I ask. ''Nope. I'm only doing this because you've been pestering me non-stop. And I only do one session".

''Good enough for me'', I nod.
I decided not to go with her to the psychiatrist, I felt like this needed to be something one-on-one. After what felt like days, she returned. She looked....happy. ''Sup Lo? How did the session go?", I ask. She didn't answer, she seemed like she didn't hear me. I asked again. ''Oh hey Jane, it feels so good to finally tell someone else about my situation.'' ''So does that mean you'll be continuing?" "Yep. Absolutely".

~Time skip~

The next few months were horrible for me. Lory didn't spend time with me like we used to anymore. She barely replied to anything I said. It's like sometimes she forgot I existed. She even started talking to her parents more. I was happy for her, but something bothered me alot.

One day, I decided to follow her to her psychiatrist to see what was going on. ''Hello Lory, how have you been?" ''I'm good Dr. Wheplo. How about you?" "I'm good too sweety. Tell me, have you been seeing or hearing Jane anymore?" "No. I can't believe that for so many years Jane never existed. She was my best friend, but the best friend I made up in my head"

Holy shit. So that's why Lory's parents never acknowledged me. That's why Lory's classmates made fun of her for talking about me. Her mental health had deteriorated so much that she made me up as her coping mechanism. I don't exist. I'm happy Lory finally has her life figured out. I walk past an old flower shop when a boy, no more than 7 years of age, sat crying. He looks at me and says ''Hey, I'm Kolran, what's your name?". I smile as I take his hand and reply ''Hi, my name's Jane. Do you wanna be friends?"

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