14 | ignorance is a bliss

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"Let's hold hands!"

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"Let's hold hands!"

Oikawa grinned at you.

"We're in class right now." You deadpanned at his crystal-fallen expression when you didn't immediately hold his hands.

"B-But-" He stuttered trying to come up with excuses in order to convince you.

And he was hit on the back of his head just in time.


"Shittykawa, don't annoy [Name]." Iwaizumi scolded the brunette who was groaning in pain.

Snickers could be heard from the rest three as they watched the scene before them.

"We sure are lucky that all of us are in the same class, huh?" Makki said and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

"That's true, luck seems to be shining-"

"What luck, I placed us all together."

Your comment made them silent and turned their heads towards you.



You ignored their surprised looks and explained to them: "I'm in the student council, if I can't even do this, what's the point of a position without authority?"

"That's true,"

"Fufu~ you used your position for your own benefit~" Yumeko giggled to herself. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Good job!"

"[Name]-chan... you wanted to be in a class with me!?" Oikawa gasped in happiness.

Surrounding him was a holy light shining upon him and ...hearts floating around.

"I wanted to be in a class with all of you."

Makki clutched onto his chest dramatically as his partner in crime moved to hold him as if the guy was going to faint any second.

"Oh, my dear~" Yumeko sobbed in fake sadness.

The only one to genuinely display his emotion was Iwaizumi who looked bashful at your words.

It seemed you didn't really care if people heard you or not since you said it out loud.

Genuinely speaking, would the school do anything to you?


Not only were you a good leader, but you also improved the school's standing among other schools and of course let's not forget about your family.

Ah, nepotism at its finest.

You mentally noted.

Soon, the class started you and your friends settled down in your respective seats.

The six of you could be considered a popular group, not just a popular group but THE.


Well, good looks and academic skills were one reason.

Four of the six were talented volleyball players while the two girls were influential people.

Skills + looks = you and your friends

No wonder everyone either wanted to be with you or wanted to be you.

In between the lecture, your fingers gripped firmly on the pen as your hands moved in a gentle flow to write words that were as beautiful as your face.

lmao imagine if your handwriting sucks-

You are still pretty with or without good handwriting :)

"[Name]," Your turned to face Iwaizumi who called you.

He looked in concentration and confusion at the page in front of him before he managed to pronounce the word he was having difficulty with.


"What does 'refugee' mean?" He managed to correctly pronounce the word.



actual conversation between me and my sister.

Beside you, the pink-haired male snickered knowing what you meant.

Unlike the rest, you often played games with Matsuwaka and Hanamaki.

Among all the games your favourite was definitely genshin impact.

am i projecting myself on name? yes.

Stan Kaeya for clear skin.


You coughed slightly to cover up your previous words knowing that Iwaizumi won't get the implications.

"Refugee is a person who has fled their country due to reasons such as violation of human rights, war, political and religious reasons, etc."

Thank you google for the contribution they've made because I may know what it means but no way in hell would i be able to explain it.

"Oh, thanks." Iwaizumi nodded before his eyes went back to the notebook in front of him.

As the class was about to end, Isogai came with a panicked look on his face.

[He was introduced in Chapter 6, currently a third year]

"What happened?" You asked him.

"The funds! For the- the charity event!" He panted, "They went missing!"


You were confused about how it could happen.

The funds couldn't be missing.

There was no way.

Now, it's time for Detective [Name] to shine!

Now, it's time for Detective [Name] to shine!

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