Chapter 5: "we've got names!!!"

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Clara's POV
We were sitting in the flower field with the metal dragons still trying to figure out names until the blue dragon got up and flew up into the clouds weaving in and out of them, I noticed this and it look as if she was playing around with the clouds.

Clara: hey whatever her name is going to be she's definitely going to have cloud in it she seems to like them. I said to Dayana.
Dayana: then why not name her cloud then? She asked back.
Clara: nah she seems like she's got a double barrel name..., I replied.
Dayana: fairs, well I still have no idea what to name this one. She tapped gently on the purple dragons head .
As the afternoon went on into the evening we decided that it was time to return home, we said good night to the girls and headed back down the mountain back to the town.

The next morning

Clara's POV
I got up at around 6:30am and got ready for school, by the time I made it to school Dayana was waiting outside for me,
Dayana: "hey girl you ready," she greeted me
Clara: "yeah I guess," i replied
As we both began to walk off I wasn't paying enough attention to who was in font of me and I bumped into a tall boy with black hair,
Clara: "oh gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." I apologised
???: "it's ok it wasn't your fault, I shouldn't be standing in the middle of the corridor," he apologised scratching the back of his head. "Hey my name is jack" he held out his hand to shake
Clara: "hi I'm Clara and this is my best friend dayana" I introduced him shaking his hand while motioning toward dayana
Jack: "oh your the two English students I've heard about, well it's nice to meet you both, he said smiling
Dayana: "oh we're famous here now" she said laughing causing us all to laugh
Clara: "well we must be going now we have art" I explained as we began to walk off
Jack: "ok bye nice talking to you both" he said walking off, and we continued on our way to class.

After the school day

Clara's POV
We made our way out of the school and decided to go home first then up to the mountains. As we began to walk we spotted jack with two others, a girl with black and pink hair in two bunches and a shorter boy with spiky ginger hair and glasses, jack spotted us a waved.
Jack: "hey guys how was you day?" He asked smiling
Clara: "hey jack our day was good, what about you?"
Jack: "it was fine thanks, oh these are my friends Miko and Raphael but we call him raf for short." He introduced while pointing at the girl and boy beside him waving.
Clara: "hi I'm Clara"
Dayana: "and I'm Dayana nice to meet y'all"

We spoke for a while until a green SUV, a yellow Camaro and a motorcycle with a woman on it pulled up.
Miko: "oh those are our rides we have to go but it was nice speaking to you two." She said to me and dayana waving goodbye as well as the other two and they all drove off.
Dayana: "they were nice." She said with a smile. We made our way home from school then decided to go to the mountains after dropping off some of our school stuff.

Jack's POV

We arrived at the autobots base a little while after leaving school, I jumped off of arcee and headed straight to our lounge, I heard her transform behind me and walk over.
Arcee: "hey who were the two femme's with you guys?" She asked walking over to the lounge area for the kids.
Jack: "oh their the two new girls who flew in from England" I replied looking up at arcee. RAF and I ended up playing video games for most of the day until the monitors went off and Optimus walked in,
Ratchet: "Optimus there's been some deception activity in the area." He explained while typing on the keyboard.
Optimus: " we will go and investigate old friend, autobots transform and roll out!" He exclaimed as ratchet open the ground bridge and they drove through.

Dayana's POV

We made it back up to the mountains to go see the metallic dragons, when we arrived they where looking for something and growling.
Dayana: "hey girls what's wrong?" I asked reaching for the purple dragon but instead of her stopping she reached behind me and picked me up by the back of my shirt and placed me on her back.
Dayan: "woah hey, what are you doing?" I questioned as I clenched onto her armour.
Clara: "omg you ok day?" Clara asked looking up at me before getting snatched up by the blue dragon. "Omg omg why am I up here!?!?" She continued and hung on tight to the back of the blue dragon. But before anymore questions were asked the dragons took off into the air. I tucked my head down while holding on tight to her scales, all I could hear was Clara's screams of fear I wanted to reach out and comfort her but I was unable to. After a while it was as if we were on standby, I put up my head to look around to see us still in the air but gliding, I looked over at Clara who was whimpering with her head down.
Dayana: "hey clar look up it's ok" I reassured her. She looked up and around and seemed to hold on tighter to the dragons scales. We flew for a while until we began to descend and land near a cave entrance.

Clara: " we're are we?" She questioned as the dragons walked in.
Dayana: "no idea" I replied, the dragons began to dig out the same crystal looking things that we saw last time, they gathered a few and prepared to leave until a green portal thing opened up.
Dayana: "what the- what is that?" I cried out and watched as some purple robots came running out pointing lasers towards us.
Drone: "a predacon?" On of the robots asked looking confused. The purple dragon grunted and growled then unleashed a beam of lightning from her mouth electrocuting the robots to the point of seeing their insides as if it was an x-ray, they all dropped down dead we took that as a sign to leave, the dragons exited the cave and flew off with all the crystals.
Clara: "hey did you hear what they called them?" She asked looking over to me.
Dayana: "yeah and did you see what she did?" I replied with another question pointing at the purple dragon.
Clara nodded.

we returned back to the mountains and were set down by the dragons.
Clara: "hey I think those purple robots called them both preda... cons?" She informed finding it hard to pronounce the word
Dayana: "yeah and at least we know what this girl can do, she breathes lightning and when it hits its target is almost like we're looking into an x-ray!" I explained "I think I got a name for her...ultraviolet like the wavelengths in science..." the dragon grumbled to that in what seemed to be happiness
Clara: "nice one, well I've taken notice on how much she loves playing in the clouds and how much of a good tracker sh is so maybe......cloudtracker???" She questioned looking up at the blue dragon and it purred.
Dayana: "well looks like we found you girls names." I announced while rubbing ultraviolet's head.

A/n: hello, this chapter actually so long to make because of the orders of events in the book. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this, idk when the next part will be out because I'm actually starting my GCSEs really soon so wish me luck and when I finish my exams I'll be back with another chapter. Bye✌🏽 💜

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