Chapter 7- act three

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Chad and Liv sat on the sofa, very publicly making out. "I think I'm ready." Liv mumbled. "Wanna go upstairs?" She suggested. "Please do, if I have to walk through this room again and your both fucking on the couch I'll beg the killer to get you both next myself." Scarlett said as she walked past. Liv threw a cushion at her. "Hey!" She yelled, throwing it back before pushing through the crowd of people back into the kitchen.

"Yeah let's go upstairs." Liv pulled Chad's hand. "Umm- don't take this the wrong way but I think I'll have to pass on that." Chad cleared his throat awkwardly. Liv pulled away, giving him a concerned look. "What? Why?" She questioned. "Well yanno, I'm not entirely sure you're not the...killer." Chad gritted his teeth. "'Don't take this the wrong way'?" Liv scoffed. "I'm almost 100% sure that you are not, but the safest option is to be down here with all the people." Chad told her. "Fuck you." Liv spat, getting up and storming away.

"Good job." Mindy called to him, putting a thumb up. "Fuck you, Mindy." Chad threw a middle finger up to his sister.

"If I hadn't written that book about your mother, none of this would've happened." Gale said guiltily. "Gale-" Sidney sat up in her seat. "I started all of this." Gale shook her head. "You didn't. My crazy brother and Billy Loomis started all of this and we're going to end it. After tonight, no more books, no more movies, no more fucking Ghostface." Sidney stated.

Chad let out a sigh, getting up from the chair and putting on his jacket. "Don't do it, don't go outside after her."
"She's not texting me back!" Chad told her.
"Because she's probably dead." Mindy scoffed. "Jesus, Mindy!" Chad exclaimed. "That's my girlfriend and I love her."
"Was your girlfriend." Mindy muttered.
"What are you- just going to watch a movie about our uncle getting stabbed?" Chad demanded. "It calms me, and he dies in the second one, not the first." Mindy rolled her eyes at her twin. "Have fun." Chad shook his head, turning to leave. "My god- at least take some type of weapon!" Mindy called after him. Chad turned back and picked up the first thing he saw.

Chad stepped outside, picking up his phone at the sound of a notification. He smiled, seeing Liv had sent him a friend request on 'find my FAM'. He shared his location with the girl and began following where the phone lead him, hopefully to her. He squinted his eyes slightly, seeing that Liv was moving towards him. "Liv?" He called out. He walked further out, once again calling out the girl's name. The app told him he should be right next to her but the teen was nowhere to be seen. "Alright, yeah, no." Chad mumbled, shaking his head.

He turned, gasping as he spotted the killer now standing in front of him. Ghostface cut through his leg, making Chad scream and drop his 'weapon'. He ran, stumbling and falling as pain ripped through his body with each step. The app buzzed, telling the killer where he was. Chad gritted his teeth in pain, leaning against the shed behind him. He tried to disconnect from the app but the blood covering his fingers made the buttons hard to touch. He grabbed his phone and threw it out as far as he could. He held tightly to the cut on his leg, wincing at the amount of blood pouring out.

Chad attempted to make a run for it, though it was difficult with his limp. He screamed as Ghostface ran out from the darkness, tackling him to the ground and repeatedly stabbing him in the back. The lights of a car pulling up to the house landed on Chad and the killer. Ghostface jumped up and ran away, leaving Chad to bleed out on the ground.

"Oh, perfect, she's having a party. Who has a party in the middle of a killing spree?" Richie shook his head disapprovingly. They all got out the car and entered the building. A large group of people cheered at Tara's arrival. "Tara? What are you doing here?" Amber pushed through the crowd, pulling her friend into a hug. "I need my spare inhaler." Tara told the taller girl.
"Why? Where are you going?" Amber questioned. Tara looked to Sam who shook her head. "It's fine, don't tell me, I get it. Just be safe." Amber told her gently.

"Alright! Everyone! Thanks for coming but the party's over!" Amber called out. The crowd booed her, clearly disagreeing with the event ending so early. Richie turned on all the lights. "Okay! Can we turn the music off please? Thank you! Hi, Gen Z, how are you? Both Sam and Tara here have been attacked by the killer twice and now they're here which means this place is a massive murder target! Get the fuck out!" Richie yelled, leaving the door open as people started to file out.

Mindy sat on the couch, continuing her movie. "Hey, do you know if there's anymore beer?" Richie asked her.
"Yes, Richie, there's beer in the basement." Mindy told him. "Do you want to come with me?" Richie stared at the basement door hesitantly. "No! But you were right to ask." Mindy laughed. "Okay, I'll be right back." Richie caught himself at the end of the sentence with a laugh. He went into the basement with a small laugh. "Well, he's dead." Mindy mumbled.

Liv sat down dramatically on the couch beside Mindy. "My fucking Uber cancelled on me! Great, now I can't have sex and I can't get a ride home! Can this night get any shittier?" She complained.
"Liv- where's my brother?" Mindy asked her, a worried frown replacing the amused smile she had on moments before. "What? I don't know, Mindy. Probably going around accusing everyone of being the killer." Liv shrugged her shoulders letting out another dramatic sigh. "He actually went looking for you." Mindy told her. "I didn't see him, k?" Liv huffed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Just revising my suspect list." Mindy told her.

"Are you afraid of me, Mindy?" Liv demanded, standing up. "Do you think I did something to your brother, huh? Do you think I'm going to cut you up?" Liv seethed. "Little but now, yeah." Mindy said uncomfortably. "What do you think, huh? I mean you're the expert. You know what eventually happens to the expert?" Liv leans in closer. "What?" Mindy asked quietly. Liv made a cutting motion over her neck. She stormed off. "Fucking psycho." Mindy uttered under her breath.

"They stopped." Sidney stated, looking down at the tracking app on her phone. "Gas station?" Gale guessed.
"No- oh shit." Sidney gasped.
"What?" Gale frowned. Sidney showed the older woman the tracking app. "Oh shit!" Gale exclaimed. "How far are we?" She asked. "Too far." Sidney told her.

"Tara! We're leaving!" Sam called up the stairs. She picked up her ringing phone. "Hello?"
"Hello. you need to get out of that house, now." Sidney said desperately.
"How do you know where I am?" Sam entreated. "You need to go! You're in Stu Macher's house where your dad and Stu killed everyone, someone planned to get you there. You need to get the fuck out, Sam!" Sidney explained quickly.

Mindy laid in the sofa, continuing her movie. "Come on man! Turn around! These are your rules man, own that shit!" She yelled at the screen. "Turn aro-" she stopped herself mid sentence and turned her head to look at the back of the coach. Ghostface looked over her. "Oh shit!" Mindy screamed.

Sam rushed into living room at the sound of struggle. She ran in to see Mindy trying to push Ghostface away. Sam grabbed a lamp and threw it onto the killer's back. Ghostface abandoned Mindy and ran out of the room. "Mindy!" Sam dropped to her knees, holding the girl's wound to try and stop all the blood oozing out. "It's a lot of blood, Sam." Mindy groaned in pain.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Amber screamed, rushing into the living room, Tara right behind her. The sound of glass smashing alerted everyone's a attention. "What the fuck?" He gasped.
"Richie! Where were you?" Sam demanded. "In the basement to get some beer!" Richie told her. "You went into the basement alone?" Scarlett entered the room, her eyes widening at the sight of Mindy covered in blood. She dropped down to check on her best friend.

Liv ran into the room, tears streaming down her face. "Get the fuck back! I was with Tara the whole time, but the rest of you were wandering around. One of you is the fucking killer." Amber spat, accusingly pointing at everyone in the room. "Fuck you, Amber! Fuck you!" Liv yelled back.
"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam questioned the pink haired teen. "I found Chad." Liv whimpered.
"You're fucking lying." Amber shook her head in disbelief. "No!" Liv shook her head.
"You're the killer." Scarlett got back to her feet. "Liv stop! LIV JUST STOP!" Amber raised her voice. "I'm not the fucking killer!" Liv spat. "I know." Amber smirked, pulling out a gun and firing a single bullet into Liv's head, splattering blood over the wall behind her. "Welcome to act three." The black haired girl smile.

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