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I was walking towards the amphitheater as they told us to gather, i saw them gathered

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I was walking towards the amphitheater as they told us to gather, i saw them gathered. I walk towards them as i heard what Sunja said "Did you decide to come back?"

I was now beside Yongil, seeing Haeyi and Sunho sitting together made my smile drop.

Me and Haeyi made eye contact but i broke it quickly, Yongil patting the place beside him signaling me to sit. So i did.

The school band and us, The cheer squad, Were working together with the new song presentation.
Well, lets say they were. After what happened earlier, my mood drastically dropped, it felt like my energy drained.

The cheer squad was back at senior Yeongyung's resto-bar. As soon as we sat down, food and alcohol was served directly. I was still not in the mood, i haven't talked to anyone. Although i was hungry, i dont feel like eating. They all started to dig in. I was the only one who haven't. I stood up. "Excuse me.." I said and went to the restroom.


"Ah, theres no food." Sunja complains but no one acknowledges it.

"There are 1, 2, 3.. Ah theres so many people but here is no food!" She said as Captain had enough and stoop up to get some.

"Fine, ill get you some." He says.

"Thank you"
"Thank you" Sunja thanks captain as the others thanked him as well.

While he went out of his seat, He accidentally knocked over Aeri's bag causing some stuff to fall out, Looking down, He immediately saw a crumpled poster of Yoomin. He crouches down to take a better look.

Sunja and Minaje noticed him and looks closely.

"Ah That was Senior Yoomin?"

Upon hearing Yoomin's name, it caught the attention of the other members.

"What's this? Where did you get it?" Captain asks them about it as curiosity filled his mind.

"Someone put that in Aeri's locker.." Sunja replied

"But speaking of Aeri, Where is she? Its been a while since she excused herself.." Sunho said getting concerned

"Ill call her." Haeyi volunteered

Soyoon came back from the restroom.

"Soyoon, did you see Aeri in the restroom?" Sunho asks

"Aeri? No, why?" Soyoon replied confusedly

"Her phone is turned off.." Haeyi said

Random thoughts of Aeri getting hurt and possibly going to get hurt starts coming in Jungwoo's head. He panicked and stood up quick.

"Ill look for her." He says and ran outside.

Sunho's gaze follows the running Jungwoo as panic also starts to settle in him.

Jungwoo was looking for her outside as he calls Aeri's phone again and again despite it saying Aeri's phone was turned off.

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