Chapt.1 The eye contact

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Author: "It was summer, Y/n was so happy to finish these studies and go on a trip, she and her best friend (Valeria), they both chose to go to Spain exactly Barcelona. "

"Y/n we're going to Spain tomorrow I'm so happy to come back to my country" Valeria said.

"Yes, I knows!!!We've finally finished this shitty program!!!" I said.

"Bitch it's 1am we have to sleep there's a plane waiting for us TOMORROW!!!!" I said.

"Fine let's go sleep, Y/n I SWEAR A GOD If you still dream of Pedri tonight I'm going to fucking kill you" Valeria said with an ironic but at the same time serious tone.

"How should I take it ?" I said

"Stfu and go sleep bitch" Valeria said.

Okay fine I didn't tell you than I was I big fan of Pedri like idk how I love him sm (because basically idc about Barca nd even Pedri)

But when I saw him play one day I had an inexplicable love at first sight (don't ask me why I don't know either than you)



I just woke up and I see a big dog's head in front of my face. Oh it's just Valeria my bad.


"Can I just end my fake scenarios plz and I will be with in a sec" I said tiredly

"It's 9am and we have to be at the airport at 10am" Valeria said


I wash my face and brush my teeth, taking a comfortable outfit to leave (thank God I put my things away yesterday)

I wash my face and brush my teeth, taking a comfortable outfit to leave (thank God I put my things away yesterday)

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*In the airport*

"I feel the holidays coming to us" she said

"Valeria you're just feeling our suitcases stinking" I said

"Gurl don't ruin my vibes!"


*On the plane*

Valeria is sitting next to me and I wish good luck for the person next to us because she will never going to shut up.

I put my headphones and listen to some music because it makes me feel better.

"Bro you know Barcelona is beautiful like its sea these magnificent architects etc" She said to the guy next to her (feel bad for him)

"I knows I live there" The guy said

"And like I just tell you don't need to be cold like that, BRO CHILL LIFE IS GOOD!" Valeria said

"Ma'm plz shut up" The guy said

"Okay fine, not funny"

"Valeria you need to calm down and let people live their life " I told her with a funny tone

"Thank you so much ma'm"

*After the flight*


"Never bitch let's go the taxi wait us"

We go into the hotel, we take a room for two and we rest for a while.

We was tired and we finally sleep.


"Y/n let's go shopping and go to the funfair!! And after that at the sunset we going to the beach" she said exacting

"Of course let's go!!" I said

Your outfit:

After a long time at the thrift store and and after going to the funfair, we go to the beach it was beautiful and very calm like it haven in front of my eyes

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After a long time at the thrift store and and after going to the funfair, we go to the beach it was beautiful and very calm like it haven in front of my eyes. Valeria had a speaker in her hand and we mi "Touch It" by Ariana grande best song ever. Before going into the sand I wanted to take off my shoes, I felt so good after!!

Valeria and I were dancing and forgetting everything around us for a few minutes, I felt free at that time. But all this stops when I cross his eyes..

He was a tall, muscular man, but he hid his face with a hood, a hood but had even chosen not to hide these brown eyes so deep and so incredible. During this eye contact all these stops I felt that there was only me and him in this world..I smiled to him I don't wanna act like a weird person.

"Y/n are you okay ? You look..To be in another world" Valeria said

"Yeah I am fine, let's continue what we started" I said .

We know sitting in front of the sea, but I felt that someone was looking at me..

So I turned around to see and... it was him but strangely he was not alone there was someone next to him maybe a friend, well in short Idk and Idc to know, I have to forget him I don't even know him.

Anyway, me and Valeria talk about for an hour I had literally forgotten this masked man,

"Come let's take a picture with my camera look at me this incredible view" Valeria said

"go girl!!!"

To be continued.



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