Chapt.1 Pov's Pedri

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Author: Pedri lived in Las palmas and ended up being taken by the Barca he is a competent boy with talent but his only flaw and that everyone asks him if he has a girlfriend which is starting to even annoy him

It was routine, training for endless hours then rest and then training again, but I have nothing left for me to be on vacation. For my vacation I'm staying in Barcelona there's my brother coming so I'm quite happy.


"Gavi, do you want to come with me to the usual beach?" I said

"I'll be there I have something to do before, go before me" Gavi said

"OKAYY bye" I said

I take off all my training clothes and start hiding my face so as not to be recognized. I get into the car and start driving.

I go back to the beach and I notice a woman with a white shirt a little open at the breasts, with a long skirt and black heels, this hair was pushed back thanks to the wind coming towards us, it was an angel fallen from the sky for me.

I saw her from afar dancing with her friend, I couldn't stop my eyes from not looking at her. So I started walking by the sea. Until our eyes crossed, she was magnificent all these stops there were only the two of us in this beach.

She smile at me with her eyes filled with sparks and ends up looking away. I keep tracing my way as if nothing these pass. And I land in a corner, waiting for Gavi.

"Dude, where are you waiting for you?" I said

"I'm on my way wait for me"Gavi said

"Fine" I said

He finally comes and sits next to me. I see her taking a picture she's so beautiful, I keep looking at her and Gavi notices it.

"Who are you looking at?" Gavi said

"No one" I said

"Dude, you saw the girl next to the one who is dressed all in white, she is beautiful.." Gavi said
"I'm going to ask his girlfriend to give me her Instagram because she is just wow"

"No don't go, Gavi don't go..Dammit."
This dumbass is gone..

Gavi's pov:

"Hey, excuse me can I ask you something alone please" I said

"Yeah sure..what?" The girl say

"It's weird but I find your friend very beautiful, and I'm shy enough to ask her so please you can give me her Instagram" I asked

She laughed..

"Yes sure, haha give me your phone"

"Thank you!! Take it"

She writes the insta , and I thanks her.

To be continued..
Idk what to say 💀

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