~the unexpected encounter~

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(Sokia pov)

I was climbing up the side of the rock after completing the second trial at the GreatRuns hunting ground.My body was sore and weak,it felt like it could just collapse at any moment.I finally made my way to the top and met with the hunting ground keeper.

"Good job,that was some good hunting's out there" the keeper praised.I smiled wiping the sweat off my forehead before nodding.

"Good?!you call that good?tsk that was pathetic,she could of done better" a rough male voice behind me bellowed.My smile quickly disappeared and was replaced by a frown.

"Father....I did my best,cant you acknowledge that" I asked with an annoyed tone.He glared at me before rage took over him.

"THAT WAS YOUR BEST?!WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO,MAKE ME LOOK BAD?!" He yelled.I lowered my head and pushed past him not wanting to deal with his shit.I walked away from the hunting grounds and onto the path.I started my way back to meridian which was a long ass journey.I was just passing a tower when a machine passed me and knocked me over.I let out a small gasp when I was hit causing the machine to turn around.

"Hey you ok...im sorry" a person spoke.I look up to see a female with red hair,piercing green eyes and light freckles on the machine.My eyes widen In shock,I had never seen a tamed machine till now.

"Y-yea...." I mumbled.The female got off the machine and stretched out a hand for me.I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up.I notice a weird device on the side of her head as well,Who is she...?

"I'm glad you're ok I'm Aloy" the female introduced herself.A smile smile formed on my face knowing she was good.

"Yea me to,im sokia" I laughed. 

"Where you heading" I asked brushing my self off.

"Meridian" she said looking forwards.I smile to myself knowing I can get to know her better since  I was heading there as well.

"I can take you there!" I offered 

"Hm..? You going the same way?" She asked

"Yup,I live there"

"Very well,I will follow,you" she smiled.I nodded before walking towards meridian with Aloy behind me on he machine.It was a long walk but we got to know each other and how Aloy could tame machines.I was fascinated by the fact she got such a insane title called a seeker.After sharing a few laughs and story's we reached meridian.

"This is it" I announced 

𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 (horizon:zero Dawn fanfic) Aloy X ocWhere stories live. Discover now