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Foxy POV

We started to take the carts to the castle. Maybe I should visit my home... I wonder how everyone will act. It's been about 3 years... I heard people saying 'Prince Freddy?!' And trying to get his attention but it didn't really work. We soon made it into the castle and we but all the stuff down.

"Ah! If it isn't Captain Foxy! " that voice I turn around and there she was.

"Ahoy Queen Ash" she walks over.

"Where's your sister?"

"Oh she be helping the crew... To unload everything"

"So you're Queen Ash huh? I heard many things about you" I saw Freddy walking over.

"Wait... Freddy Fazbear?! What are you doing here boy? You're the last person I expected to see" Queen Ash sounded shocked yet kinda happy.

"Oh! My father is letting me travel with Roxy's crew for right now so that's why I'm here"

"Wow! That man finally let something happen huh? Well trust me young prince with Foxy you're in good hands. Now Foxy, you planning on staying? We can set rooms here in the castle"

"Um... Just for a night.. Aye plan on visiting my home area before aye leave again" she only smiles and nods.

"Then we'll get the rooms startes for you and your crew" she soon walks away. She's always been so nice to us... My mom was her best friend and after she heard that they died at sea. She took Mangle and me in. I don't think I'll ever be able to pay her back... Fully. I looked over at Freddy and he was looking around a bit.

"Taking some notes lad?"

"Huh?" He turns to me. "No not really. I guess... Just seeing how different kingdoms look? I don't know heh"

Freddy POV

I never been in another kingdom so it's quite great to see how this one looks! Hey... Maybe my father will let me travel with Foxy more!... More maybe just marry Foxy as well... Wait marry? I blushed a bit then looked at Foxy. We're not even dating yet and I said that! I was blushing then I heard my name and turn.

"Freddy lad... Wanna come with me to my home area?"

"Um... Sure who are you gonna go visit?"

"Just family friends... That's about it... Aye going with Mangle"

"And the others?"

"They just gonna stay here... Some of the crew has family here so they may visit them" now that I think about... They don't really see their family a lot because they are always at sea... Wow come to think of it... Can I even do that? Go months without seeing my father and Goldie... Well maybe my father but not Goldie.

"But sure I'll go with the both of you... I don't mind but should I um... Hide my face? Or?"

"Um... Maybe lad? Aye not really sure..." Foxy looks away a bit then he looks back at me. "Sorry if this be rude but... Maybe take off the fancy clothes?" What? I looked at Foxy a bit confused. "L-like... The clothes ye wearing is fancy... And tells everyone ye rich and yea"

"Well... Um... I don't have another clothes to wear"

"Aye can ask the crew if they have extra... Aye would offer mine but... Ye a lot taller then me lad" I nod and Foxy smiles then walks away. My clothes is a give away that I'm a prince?... How come I never thought after that... Damn! I should really learn new things.

End of chapter

Prince and Pirate ෆFrexyෆ ʚFreddy x Foxyɞ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now