Chapter 4

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Fuck! Can this day get any worse!? 

The green beast before me stepped over the debris of the cabin crushing the wooden boards under its feet with its weight as it crept closer and lowered its head with a hiss.

"dragon slayer… why am I not surprised by your sudden appearance…" the creature growled lowly. What does it mean by that? I glanced past the creature to the destroyed cabin and Fletcher my fist.

The girl is with dead from the roof caving in or being crushed and trapped I 

"Funny, I could almost say the same, you must be the one who burned that entire entourage on the road two days back. Let me guess eating all those horses and humans wasn't enough for your large appetite? Don't you think you should go on a diet? You look a little overweight…I'm amazed you're able to even fly around after consuming so much meat." 

The dragon hissed angrily, spreading its wings out just to show how upset it had become. Reaching in my bagni grabbed my gloves out and quickly put them on while focusing on the beast, trying to distract it. I don't have my sword so my attacks will be limited. I need to be cautious while fighting this thing especially if it tries to poison me. 

Glancing to its tail I could see the bladder tip that was dark in color, that must be one of its main weapons, the tail, their claws, the fangs, all three could be fatal if they are poisoned.

My gaze moved to the crushed front door to the cabin and I could see the hilt of my sword sticking out of the rubble. I need to get my weapon.  

"don't get angry at me, I'm just saying you guys have gotten really lazy… And sloppy with your work." 

"enough of your words slayer, I am going to tear your flesh from your bones and bring your head to the king!" 

Getting into a fighting stance after recurring my gloves I readied myself for the attack. "bring it."

The dragon screeched before leaping towards me. I rolled out of the way as the beast snapped its jaws at me then ducked as it swung its tail in my direction.

The mouth of the creature started to glow in an all too familiar fiery orange and I braced myself with my hands in front of me while my right glove took on a glow of its own.

A stream of fire was blasted towards me and I bent the wind around me into a type of shield while the heat of the flames licked at my arms. Once the flames stopped coming the dragon before me narrowed its eyes and snarled.

The glowing scale embedded into my glove dimmed and I smiled a little, glad that it was enough to ward off the dragon's flames. 

"you have primal scales…how many of my kind have you killed and stolen from!" the dragon screeched before charging forward and snapping at me once more. I used the wind to push myself out of the way of danger and used my other glove to create a spear made of ice."

"apparently not enough considering you are still here!" I shouted and threw the spear at the beat only to watch it get melted as the dragon blew fire in my direction once more. 

I used the wind as a shield again but could feel my feet dragging across the ground as I was slowly being pushed back. The primal wing scale on my glove cracked and I realized I can't keep using it to block fire attacks. Shit, shit! 

The fire quickly ran out and I made a dash for the cabin to get ahold of my sword but the creature was able to quickly cut me off.

The dragon took me by surprise, knocking me back with its tail, and I went flying into a tree. My back collided with the trunk and I yelled out in pain before falling to the ground hunched over. "Shit, that hurt…"

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