The Zone

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Anne pov:

"Ughhhh.... Tennis practice was soooooo long!" I thought as I groaned from how much practice that I have done today and I was just ready to go home with my girlfriend and have a nice and relaxing weekend. "I hope Marcy wasn't waiting long." I thought as I walked out of the school building and was heading to the spot that I am supposed to meet with Marcy.

I then saw Marcy sitting on a bench by the street. "Hey Mar-Mar! I'm finally finished with tennis practice. I hope that I haven't kept you waiting long." I said as I stopped by her, waiting for a response but I received none. "Mars?" I said in confusion as I looked at Marcy only to see her playing on her Switch. "Marcy..... Marcy..... Mars? ......Marcy!!" I yelled as I waved my hand in front of her face for a few seconds.

I then poked her to see if she is still alive. "Alright! New level!" She yells as I jumped back a bit in surprise. "Ooooo boy, looks like your in Zone again." I said as I sighed. "At least she's not moving or in the way.... Now how do I snap her out of the zone?" I said to myself as I am now about to face the ultimate challenge. Snapping Marcy out of the Zone.

I then did the "I'm not touching you" trick that siblings would do to annoy each other. "I'm not touching you!" I said but it wasn't working. "Alright..... looks like I have to up my game." I said as I began to think of what to do next. "Hey Marcy, I think it's gonna rain?....... Oh MY GOSH!! A CAR IS FIXING HEAD THIS WAY! MOVE!!" I yelled into her ear but she wasn't moving.

"I just have to fall for a gamer girl." I sighed as I rubbed my temple. "Alright, let's try this. Heeey Mar-Mar. I'm wearing my tennis uniform and uhhhh..... ummmm..... how do I continue this without making it dirty?" I muttered to myself of how I was supposed to continue this. "Forget it. I'm just wearing my uniform. What do you think?" I asked but Marcy wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah.... I kinda messed this up...... Oh! I heard they're planning on a new Cynthia movie....... Unfortunately, they're only gonna focus on politics, instead of sticking with the source material?" I said but she was still not budging. "Wow.. you are really in the Zone." I said as I then sat down next to her. "Let's try this." I said as I went through my bags looking for something to help me.

"Marcy..... I have our newt plushie Olivia and Uh Oh. She has a tear on her tail!?" I actingly said as I held up our joint plushie. "Oh snap! A surprise mini boss just appeared!!" She said in worry on her game and not over our plushie. "So Anne, what's your next plan?" I mimicked Olivia's voice. "I don't know, but I am not gonna give up." I said as I was planning my next move.

"Earthquake!!!" I yelled as I was behind Marcy and began shaking her rapidly. I stopped after a while but she was still in the Zone. "Really! Alright... let's try this. Hey there's a new game at the game store! .....I heard rumors that anime might get banned in the US? ......The moon is crashing into Earth!!" I yelled as I pointed to the sky but still nothing. "Alright. Looks like it's time for the big guns."

I said to myself as I then did my ultimate move. I then lean forward to Marcy's cheek and gave her a quick kiss. "......Seriously? Your not even gonna budge after that! I just gave you a kiss on the cheek and you don't even notice." I said in frustration until Marcy looks up. "Huh? Oh hey, Anna Banana! Did you just got here." She said with a big smile which I sighed. "Yep. I just got here." I told her. "Hmmm... oh, I see Olivia is ready to be with me for a week." She said as she gets up and picks up our plushie and have it a hug.

"She is lucky that she is cute." I thought as I smiled as I grabbed my bags. "Ready to go?" "Yep!" She said as she grabbed her stuff and we began to walk to my home. "Hey Anne? Do you know why my left cheek is warm?"

Marcanne: The Zone and Renaissance Fair Where stories live. Discover now