The Fate {introduction}

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Hasnas introduction
I’m hasna renze a normal girl I’m 19 years old I’m living with my little brother in a small apartment in Tokyo my mom and step dad are living in Okinawa they can’t afford my little brother bills so I’m taking care of him my step dad is an alcoholic guy my mom works in a supermarket i told her to come and live with me but she stupid I got my bestie her name is renna Im still studying in a university  and working in a side job at a cashier
•I got sexually abused by my neighbor when I was young  so I’m scared of men and i hate them im traumatized
•I started self harming at 13yo cuz my family got a lot of problems and they didn’t give a damn about my life and i don't want my little brother to experience that so hes living with me
I’m nice but also don’t let people disrespect me I got guts good fighter and i know all types of guns cuz I was in a gang named tralia

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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