The start of attack of many more

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As no one suspected the thugs managed to sneak around to a bank.

Thug1:no one move.

Everyone froze on fear.

The thugs moved in to the counter.

Thug3:put the money in the bag or else.

The lady panicked and press the button to call the police.

The bank robbery reach the news as Nadja reported.

Nadja:Don't be amused, it's just the news! This afternoon a bank robbery occurred police can't move in without risking the people inside.

Marinette and Kim was shock.

Marinette:I hope nothing bad happen to the people inside.

Sabine:marinette how about you put dussu powers to use.

Marinette:but what if I mess up I could do more harm than saving people.

Sabine:you won't marinette I have faith in you and like you others have doubted themselves even I have doubts about things.

Marinette:ok dussu spread my feathers.

Marinette new form look like mayrua with pig tails.

Marinette:wow I better go.

With Kim

Kim:I got to help them.

Xuppu:well you know the words right so say them.

Kim:Xuppu showtime.

Kim turn in to his monkey form.

Kim:awesome it go time.

Both Kim and marinette arrive at a nearby rooftop when there're eye met.

Marinette/kim:who are you.

Kim:I'm king monkey you are.

Marinette:I'm mayrua a pleasure to meet you.

King monkey:same to you mayrua.

Mayrua:we have bank robbery with innocent people inside we can't act reckless or we cause harm to people what is your power.

King monkey:I can mess with other people power yours.

Mayrua:I can create beings out of emotions with me or another can control it and it called a sentimonster unless I give it a name.

King monkey:cool power mine not going to be helpful here.

Mayrua:true but you have a staff while I have a hand fan but I can make you a sentimonster.

King monkey:your right do it now.

Mayrua:ok(grab a feather and power it up)go my little amok and hone and enhance this emotion.

The amok went in the staff and a mask appear.

Mayrua:king monkey to help you I grant you grabber to take anything.

King monkey:thank you mayrua(a monkey sentimonster appears)grabber I need you to take their weapons.

Grabber went inside the bank and grabbed every weapon the thugs have on hand.

Thug4:wait my weapons are gone.

Every thug check themselves and realize their weapons are gone as well.

Thug6:be on guard we can't fail the boss.

Everyone in the bank was surprised to hear boss.

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