Final Score

261 9 0

Me and Issabela were sitting in the first row next to Real Madrid bench.The players started going out on the pitch and I meet eyes with a familiar person.It was Alejandro how could I forget that he playes for FC Barcelona.
Issabela started talking witch got me out of my thoughts
"There he is"i heard her say and realised that my brother was also looking at me .I waved at him exided as he gave me a thumbs up.I turned to look at Issabela next to me only to see her smiling like a idiot at him.
Some minutes later while me and issabele were chating and laughing I met eyes once again with Alejandro,and he smiled at me.In that moment I could feel my heart melt and without me realising my cheeks were getting Red.

     Why was I feeling like this?I was still in a relationship...but who knows for how long...The way things are between me and Vinicius I dont even know if we are together anymore.
       Alejandro seemed sweet but who knows maybe he would Hurt me too...What am I even thinking we just met and I am Sure he dosen't feel anything for me I am just getting attached too quickly.He probably already forgot who I am.

Issabela probably saw that I was deep thinking about something and decided to check up on me

"hey,girl are you ok?
"Yea I was just thinking about something,but its nothing important dont worry"i said back smiling at her
"If you need to talk you can come to me,you know.."
"Yea I know I just need to think about my feelings for now,but thank you"
"No problem thats what friends are for"

The whisle blew witch meant that the game finally started
Around 20 minutes passed and both teams had great oportunityes.i saw one of my brothers teamate drible past most of the barcelona players but then Alejandro managed to take tha Ball from him ant started running to the opposite side of the pitch.He passed the Ball to Pedri with kicked right to the back of the net.The barca stans started screaming and celebrating while the real madrid side was silent.
10 minutes later Camavinga had the Ball and passed to Vinicius who kicked into the net.Once again fans were screaming but this time from the opposite team then before.I saw Vinicius look at me and then ran to the opposite side and pointet a random girl in the crowd and then made a heart to her...What?!Even when I through nothing worse could happen,he walked up to her and kissed her.
Now what the fuck was happening.Tears escape my eyes as I feld cameras pointed at me and Vinicius grining.
I left running into the bathroom and sitting on the floor crying with my back facing the door so no one would come în.
Why would he do that.Why did he get a new girl.
Was he only doing that to piss me off?
Nothing was making sense for me I was confused.
I heard a knock on the door and already knew that it was Issabela do i let her come in.

"Oh love please dont cry"
"Why would he do that?" I mumbled while crying
"He dosen't deserve you Bea. I am Sure you can find someone way better"
"But I dont want anyone else, I was really close to him and it s hard..."
"I know love ,thats what they all do,they act like they love you until you get attached and then they break your heart over and over again"(maybe I am a bit dramatic but I live for drama:))
"Comd on lets get you cleaned up and go back if you want,if you dont feel like it I can drop you off at home."
"No,I am fine,ill go back but thank you so much"

I wasnt going to let him distroy me. I am going to act like I dont care about him. Easy,right??
I went back to the stadium and the bright lights hit my eyes. I sat down in my sit again just looking at the floor when all of a sudden I hear cheering. I looked up to see what happaned and realised that barcelona scored I looked to see who did it and I saw that Alejandro was pointing at me while smiling. What the fuck is happaning?

He scored? But why was he pointing at me? It probably wasnt me he was pointing at some other girl,right?

In the 2 minutes that were added nothing happaned,nobody was able to come close to any goal.
As the final whisle blew all I could hear were barcelona fans cheering. Even thought I knew it wasn't right I felt somehow happy..?

As I was picking my stuff up I heard somebody calling my name and I turned to a topless Alejandro that was handing me his Jersey
Ok now what actually was happaning.
First, Vinicius kissed another girl then Alejandro scored a goal and dedicated to me and now he was offering me his Jersey. I was very confused

"This is for you, I am Sure it would look better on you" he said while making eye contact and smiling
           God his smile is so pretty

I had this Weird feeling in my stomach,I couldnt of been falling im love with him,there are so many reasons that I cant

"Thank you so much you played really well" I said trying to hide the fact that i was blushing
"Well thank you it s a honor to hear that from you" he said laughing witch made me laugh too
"I was wondering if you would like to hang out somatice soon. I will have to go back to barcelona in two dans tho" he asked me still holding eye contact

There is no way he is leaving now. I was finaly starting to feel good around him and he was leaving to barcelona
"Sure I would love to hang out,I'm Free whenever you want"
"Great how about tomorrow breakfast?"
"Yea,sounds great"
" text me your addres so I can come pick you up"
" Sure ,thank you again"
"No problem have a good night Beatriz "
"Goodnight Alejandro "

I walked out of the stadium towards Issabella s car with a huge smile on my face

"Who was the boy?" She winked at me while talking in a weird voice

"Oh,just a boy I met yestarday while j was sitting on a bench. I forgot that he played for FC Barcelona but look,he gave me his Jersey "I told her while smiling once again like an idiot
"Girl you sound so in love tbh"
"Not truee" I claimed while clearly blushing
"If you say soo...." Issabela was laughing

Time skip to when Beatriz got home
"Thank you so much for dropping me off"
"Sure,no problem see you later Beatriz, be safe"
"Bye stay safe"

I got ready for bed and just jumped in it. I was expecting to overthink alot everything that happaned but i didn't. I just fell asleep.
1212 words
Longest chapter so far

I hope you enjoyed it 🫶🏻

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