Past Is The Past For A Reason

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Read my Damian Wayne Oneshots if you want.

It was a normal morning so far the Titans woke up to Kori cooking breakfast Damian and Raven sitting on the couch drinking some earl grey tea, talking like they always did.

Jon and Donna eaying their pancakes talking with eachother, Jaime helping Kori and Terra Reading a book.

Dick was in Bludhaven For a Mission And Gar..Was Nowhere to be seen. Nobody thought Anything of it but Garfield usually woke up like super early with loaded energy.

They assumed he was sleeping but he was in the training room focusing on hand-to-hand combat which was unlike him. Gar usually relied on his powers and couldn't fight all. So this was a strange sight for the Titans to see when they Began Daily Training.

The Titans Watched in Awe as He took the training ninjas one by one doing all different types of tecniques with a spear, He Flipped Into the Air And Took a Ninja and Sliced them through the waist which Terra Jaime Donna And Jon Flinched At. Gar Finished After That One Move And Noticed Them Watching Him.

"Oh Hey Guys." He Said As He Waved To Them Unsure Or Fearful? Maybe Regretful? Tearful? Something Negative, It Didnt Go Unoticed by Damian.

"Hermono! You Can Fight?!?" Jaime said Stunned

"Yeah? And Your Point Is?" Gar said Like It wasnt a big deal at all as he Replaced the Bloodied Bandages on his Arms.

"We Never Have Seen You Fight In Combat" Kori Said

"I Thought You Didnt Know How" Terra Said Suspiciously. You see, Terra Betrayed The Titans Before She Knows When Someone Is Keeping Things Or Secrets So She Paided Attention To His Body Language.

"Well I guess Do" Gar said as he dismissed it.

"You seemed distracted, Blinded by anger I can feel it in Waves" Raven Expressed.

"Not a story I like telling but why not? Kaya Died 3 Years Ago Today, It was MY Fault If Had Been Faster Quicker Or Even Better I Could Have Saved Her. But i Didnt, So now?" He went silent. "m training to avoid making a mistake like that EVER again.

He said with Remorse As He Threw The Spear Like A Dart As The Weapon Wall As He Landed It Perfectly In Its Slot. "Kaya?" Terra said with confusion.

"Its a Depressing Long Story Which Im Pretty Sure Most Of You Know." He Said As He Glanced At Kori And Damian Who have read over his files.

"So Will You Tell Us?" Donna Asks Eagerly.

"Sure, I Dont see why not?" He said as Start to Explain.

"I May Aswell Start From Here.

Rita Took Me In When I was 8 After my Mom died. She was also a Meta Apart Of The Doom Patrol. She Adopted Me Along With Mento And Helped Train Me With My Powers and stuff. 2 Years Later I Met A Girl On a Mission I had to do myself. She Needed, Help Her Name Was Kaya She Wasnt Close With The Magnificent Mento" Gar Said with Dripping With Sarcasm.

"So Uhm She Had an Awful relationship with Mento and she sorta had powers. 3 days later Mento found out about her and went crazy phsyco. It didnt seem like him. Its wasnt him. Because he did something Mento would never. He killed her. I know that I could have done something but I just followed his orders

"Its basically PTSD in disguise as Training" Gar joked

"What happened to him?" Donna Said With A Concerned look.

"Right...Mento Lives In "Solitary Remorse" By That he Means He Still Lives A Life Like Nothing Happened"

"So, What Happened To Your Father? You Never Mentioned Him Only Your Mom." Terra Asked Seeing As Gar Never Mentioned Him.

"Oh, He Was Never Around When i Was a Kid. He picked fights with mom alot so Doesnt really Exist To Me Anymore. He Left When I Was 7" Gar Said After Morphing Into His Uniform For Team Training.

Everyone Was Just Silent Staring At Him With Confusion and Pity.

"You Guys Know You Can Say Something Right? Its a little too quiet in here" He Joked At The Wrong Time.

"Does it not Bother you?" Raven asked

"Yeah i mean we always sorta thought you had it easy so your okay with that?" Terra said

"Yeah I Mean its the past no need to look back at it. Its the past for a reason."

"I Think We Should Stop Staring At Me and maybe start training?" Gar asked feeling weirded out

"Alright Titans Training Starts Now In Pairs"

How did i do? Next one is Jon Centric

Words 911

I Ship Damirae, Jonna.

EDIT : Omg this was so damn cringe looking back at it.

EDIT : Still cringe, I was a shit writeR. TRUST ME. IM BETTER NOW!

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