chapter 8

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"Hey, Mom!" Reki called out, sticking his head through the doorway into the kitchen. He was already dressed for school and ready to start his day. "Did you pack me a lunch?" he asked.

Reki's mother didn't go to face him, being busy with preparing breakfast. "It's on the table, dear." his mom said.

"Got it!"

Confused, she hummed to herself and turned around, only to realize that Reki was no longer there. Wondering where he had gone, she scanned the area but saw no sign of him.

Just then, one of Reki's younger sisters came out of the house, brushing her teeth. She watched as Reki ran off in the distance.

"Oh my gosh, is he actually gonna make it on time?" she questioned.

Reki's skateboard glided smoothly on the pavement, and he couldn't help but smile as he felt the wind rush past him. Finally, he arrived at the spot where Nerine and Langa was waiting for him, leaning against a lamppost.

Nerine turned to face him and lifted his hand. "What's up?" he asked while the three of them did their handshake.

"Hangin' out. Where we going'?" Reki replied.

"Big Wood course?" Langa asked.

"Sounds great!" Reki beamed, making Nerine smile a little.

And the two were off, Reki in front while Nerine and Langa stayed a little behind. But soon, Nerine picked up some speed and skated in front of Reki, smiling back behind him.

He threw a water bottle over his shoulder and Reki caught it, taking a drink.

Langa gained some speed and popped an ollie and skated along the handrail as they descended to a steeper path. Langa skated to a stop and smiled over at them.

Nerine returned it and looked around. He stopped, and started skating again, picking up as much speed as he could.

He skated up a board that had been propped up, flew up the wall directly in front of him, touched a graffiti star that had been drawn rather high, and then nailed the landing, skating away.

Reki gasped at him and then laughed. "Badass!"

Several school kids stood behind them, noticeably younger the teenagers as they, too, were in awe.


"What's that trick called?"

"Woah, I had no idea you could jump that high!"

Reki crossed his arms with a victorious smirk, nodding his head.

He and Langa soon caught up to Nerine again, and Reki lifted his hand for a high five. Nerine looked at his hand skeptically for a second, before giving in and accepting the gesture.

┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐

Nerine skated up a ramp when he and Reki got to S, and made eveyrone turn their heads toward him.

"That's frikkin crazy!"

"It's like he's flying!"

"You're killin it, Daze-boy!"

Reki smiles. "Everyone loves him."

Miya took the straw he had out of his mouth and looked at Reki. "I don't know why you're gushing over it." he stated.

"The only thing anyone knows about you these days is you're his friend." Shadow added. "Or maybe his groupie."

"Who cares if I'm his friend?" Reki defended. "And what in the heck is a groupie?"

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