Chapter 2: Ajax

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I know I said I'd post a new chapter every Sunday, but I meant that like at LEAST every Sunday. I got inspired so here's the next chapter enjoy! <3 (and of course, image credit to JaiZy)

Ajax's shape was silhouetted by the morning sun. He looked just like a tall, muscular, ripped shadow. I felt light as a feather as he guided me out of the town I had grown accustomed to, like he was the puppet master, and I was but a puppet. He guided me to a beautiful meadow, with rolling hills and flowers and butterflies.. It was picturesque. We sat down in the long grass and enjoyed the morning dew. For a moment I trusted him with my life. Entranced by Ajax, I had let him lead me an entire mile before our reality sunk in. I- I had just ran away with basically a stranger. I barely knew him. Sure we used to be friends, but that was when we were SEVEN?? And I had just left my aunt there- without a note or anything. I was a horrible person, who does that? And for what? A whirlwind romance? He's probably just using me- I'm such an idiot. Ajax let go of my hand and studied my face. He began to grow worried too. My fears were clearly written on my face.

"I won't let them hurt you, don't worry." I could tell he was trying to reassure me, but it was failing miserably.

"That's not it. I just left my home with a stranger. I didn't even leave my aunt a note! She might kill herself with worry."

Ajax looked like I had just slapped him. Maybe I kind of did, but it was not my problem. I started to yell at him.

"How could you let me do this!? I should turn around right now- I shouldn't be around a MURDERER."

Ajax's face became stone cold. He lost all emotion, save for a single tear going down his cheek. It slowly made its way down his face, until finally falling to the ground, watering the dirt. He replied back in a monotone voice.

"I could say the same about you."

I couldn't believe him, he knew it was an accident. It was my biggest and worst regret and he was bringing it up?! Although.. I suppose he could say the same about me, once again. Ugh. He was so frustrating. I couldn't do this.

"I can't be around you right now," I replied. "I need some time to think."

Ajax seemed to get angrier at my statement. "YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT BACK AT YOUR HOUSE. I... I didn't ask you to come."

Now I was upset too, "I was ENTRANCED by you, I wasn't thinking. My head was filled with thoughts of whirlwind romance- er- friendship. I wanted to reconnect, and fix my second greatest regret. I was blinded by your- I-... it doesn't matter. I need time to think."

After that I left a very confused Ajax where he was standing, as I ran to find somewhere to go. I had no money so I couldn't stay at a hotel, and I wouldn't dare ask Ajax for money, so I decided on a small hill. I lay down on the side of it, and asked myself what I was going to do. Unsurprisingly no one responded. I was alone with my thoughts, but even they wouldn't answer me. Minutes turned into hours and soon it was starting to get dark out. I was starving, and as I hate to admit, a bit afraid of the dark. For good reason though! Any wild animal could get me out here.. And I was unprotected. My stomach rumbled as I smelled one of the best things I had ever smelled. It's hard to describe- almost as if every food ever came together.. But actually smelled good. I followed my nose to the source of the smell.. The other side of the hill. I climbed up the grassy knoll until I saw what was making it. Ajax. He was sitting on a large log, roasting a large boar. Behind him was a fancy looking tent, which looked safe and cozy. My stomach rumbled once again- making myself known to Ajax. He looked up from his boar and motioned to it, asking if I wanted a bite, but I shook my head. I refused to relent to him. Again. Despite that though, I still found myself making my way down to the bottom of the hill. This time Ajax just handed me a leg, without even asking if I wanted it. I pulled up a log and sat next to him, starting to dig into my food. Finally he broke the silence,

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