A day of Timor's life

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So, Timor is basically in Primary 5 (I have no idea what they call it in America, So sorry)(Days: 3/7)

'Hurry up Timor, you're going to be late!' Myan shouted (It's 7.00 a.m.). 'I AM hurrying up,' Timor exclaimed to Myan. 'You better be, if not our "dad" will kill us!' (Their 'Dad' is Thai, he's the oldest) 'Excuse me?' Thai said when he walked past Myan. 'Nothing,' Myan rolled his eyes at Thai and walked to school (They live near the school).

In School 

'Hey, look, it's the forgotten member of the knockoff EU,'  Kos (Kosovo, I can't think of anyone else) teased. 'Stop bullying me,' Timor rolled his eyes at Kos. 'Why are you rolling your eyes? To find your brain? Oh, right, you don't have one.' Timor walked away, he knew that fighting him would only get Thai to 'kill' him. 

Ring...ring...ring (Why do I always start with this lol) 'OK class, today, we will be learning about the area of triangles,' Their teacher said after the class greeted her. 

Timor's POV

Why does Kos bully me? I know Dad always forgets me, he doesn't have to remind me.  Arggh! 'Timor, can you come up to show me how to find the area of this triangle?' Our teacher asked. It's a good thing Myan taught me how to find the area of a triangle, or I would be the class's laughingstock. I stood up, went to the board, and wrote down: Area of triangle= 1/2 x B x H (This is giving me school vibes Lol) = 1/2 x 10cm x 15cm = 75cm (Ans)

'Good job, I thought you weren't listening, now pick someone else to answer the next question.' I saw the next question -it was the hardest- 'Kos,' I pointed at him. Hah! I think he wouldn't know the answer to 1/2 x 17cm x 20cm, he'll embarrass himself. I smirked at him.

1/2 x 17cm x 20 cm = 170cm (It wasn't that hard though...), Kos could figure it out?! I don't believe it! I looked under his desk, and guess what? I found a calculator and our teacher said we cannot use calculators. It's time to expose him. 'Teacher? Kos used a calculator,' I said when our teacher called me. 'What?! No way,' Mon (Montenegro) said. Our teacher walked to Kos's seat and saw the calculator, the best thing, the question was on it! And I didn't bother to remember the rest

9.30 a.m.

Yes! It's finally recess! I went down the stairs with my friends, Palau, Mirco (What?)and Marshall (Finally, a regular name, until you realise it is the Marshall Islands). 'Hey, I heard you defeated Kos, the bully,' Palau said when we got our food. 'Yea- Sort of.' 'Then let's celebrate!' Marshall said, 'Yay!'

Too lazy to write everything after recess >_<

'Bye!' I said to my friends after school and walked home. 

Finally, it ended, and my hands hurt lol

Word count: 483

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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