Prisoners Of The Kingdom

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Mileena had to dash behind some barrels as soon as she got to the bottom of the stairs. They were two guards holding what looked to be a girl, she had on peasant rags and looked filthy. The great wizard Nathaniel was present talking to the guards, she listened quietly, "This girl is to be locked up in the secret room with the other threat, only four more to go. What a splendid day it's been." The great wizard headed up the steps passing right by the barrels on his way. The guards continued down the dark narrow dungeon. Mileena followed silently, she watched as the guards turned one of the torches on the wall, and a door was revealed behind the brick wall. She snuck through the door behind the guards and hid behind a crate. They opened a cell to the left and threw the girl in. The guards then turned a torch on the wall in this room to open the passage again, left, and the door sealed shut. She got out from behind the crate and ran to the cell. "Hello, who are you? and what have you done to get locked up?" Mileena asked with wonder in her eyes. From the cell on the other side, she got an answer. "She won't be able to answer you for a while, are you from around here miss?" Asked the man in the cell. Mileena looked at the man again and noticed he could only be around 16, hardly a man at all. She said "No I'm not... Well not really. What have you done to be locked up?" The boy looked at her his brown eyes studying her. He replied, "I'm the prince of The kingdom of Silvern. I'm the future King, they have kidnapped me."

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