Episode 11

138 23 1

Vote goal 15 🥺

Jungkook pov.

Jungkook- "Why the hell am I here again!?! I thought this dream came whenever I feel anxious or depressed but.. today I am happy don't I? Then why? Is it even real? Or just my illusion?"

I look around to this familiar hallway and step forward hesitantly.

Jungkook- "is this person with me? Why am I coming here again and again? Namjoon hyung said I came to this world for this person.. then have we met already? *Bites lips nervously* H..hey.. are you there?

I asked hesitantly and waited for his answer but there was deep silence everywhere that I could even hear my breath sound.

Jungkook- "wait.. when I last saw him.. someone k..killed him.. I saw that with my own eyes.. if he is not alive anymore then why am I still stuck in this dream?? I don't want to be here.. Jimin! Where are you please wake me up!!"

I shut my eyes and tried to wake up but no matter how much I tried I wasn't able to. I loudly pray that Jimin could wake me up.

??: "Jungkook-ah.. i.. is that y..you?"

I was rubbing my temple with frustration when I heard his loud whisper like voice. I quickly made my way to the door and rushed into the room. The sounds of chains screeching catch my attention. I moved towards the voice when I felt a hand on my leg and tugging on it slowly maybe he wants me to sit down. I obeyed and sat down near him.

Jungkook- "you're alive? That's a relief! I thought you.. uhm.. nothing but.. look I don't want to be rude but why are you bringing me here continually when I cannot do anything? I can't get you outta here!! Also you're not even telling who you are or who is that bastard who has kept you in this hell!!! You!!!!"

I didn't want to yell at him but I was actually getting mad because he was not telling me anything.

??: "I.. am s..sorry kook-ah.. I a..am being selfish to br.. bring you here because of m..me you're also in d..danger..I apologize.. I am sorry kook-ah.."

he holds my hand in his cold one and placed his forehead on my hands I was becoming panicked because I don't want to be touched by anyone else then Jimin.. but he was apologizing countlessly while sniffling slowly.

Jungkook- "Hey.. hey it's okay.. stop crying.. if you're really feeling sorry for me then whatever I ask you have to answer honestly okay?"

His forehead was still on my hands. He nodded slowly.

Jungkook- "who are you? *Silence* hey.. why aren't you answering? Yahh what the heck is wrong with you! Do you want my help or not??"

??: "kook-ah.. please.. don't be mad at m.. me.. please.."

he whispered and snuggled close to me now his face was between my shoulder and neck that I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

Jungkook- "how can I not be mad when you're behaving like this and telling me nothing?? is it.. is it because you don't have trust in me?"

??: "Ani.. don't think this.. I trust you more than anything but.. you know when I bring you here I didn't know you would become so important to me.. I wasn't thinking about the consequences but now.. I don't want you to get h.. hurt.. because of me.. you're my only happiness Jungkookie.. I didn't want to lose you.."

His tears were dripping on my neck. My heart sanked with pain. I wrapped my arms around his fragile body and hugged him securely.

Jungkook- "w.. who are you..Jebal.. don't test my patience and tell me.. why I felt restless just by the thought of you locked in here? Why do your tears have so much affect on me??why don't I feel like it's cheating on Jimin when I hold you?? please.. tell me  wh.. who are you? I am begging you.."

??: "Find me kook-ah.. I will guide you.. I am not far from you but too close.. you just have to try.. I am sure you'll find me!"

he whispered close to my ear giving me shivers down to my spine then pecked on my cheek but so close to my lips that I felt our lips brushed with each other a bit..

Jimin pov.

Jungkook's grip on my waist was getting tightened. I sat up and saw he was yelling asleep. By any chance is he having those dreams again? But he told me that in his previous dream someone had killed me then why is he having me in his dream again? Jungkook's face was flushed and tears were rolling down from the corners of his closed eyes.

Jimin- "Jungkook? *Tap on cheek* Jungkook!!"

He doesn't wake up by my calling so I shake him hard by grabbing both shoulders of him. he Opened his eyes and blinked a few times gazing at me silently then suddenly he pulled me into his arms and snuggled with me like a koala. he sat up and placed me on his lap and buried his face into my neck.

Jimin- "what happened to my bunny? do you have nightmares again?"

He nodded and nuzzled his face deeper into my neck. I smiled and creased his hair gently.

Jimin- "Aigo.. why are you so kind and worrying about everyone? Don't stress yourself Jungkook-ah.. I am here with you.. let's sleep hm?"

Jungkook- "Jimin.. if.. if I ever che..cheat on you.. will you forgive me?"

He asked while cuddling with me.

Jimin- "what type of nonsense question is this Jungkook! and obviously I will never forgive you for being a cheater! but why are you asking me this all of a sudden? Have you cheated on me?"

He flinched and held me tightly.

Jungkook- "I am sorry Jiminie.. please don't ever leave me.."

Jimin- "Jungkook-ah I am not going to leave you but why are you saying sorry? Did you.. cheated on me for real?"

he said nothing. I glanced at his face, his eyes were closed and he had fallen asleep and maybe he was sleeptalking? but.. why did he ask this question? what was he sorry for? Did he really cheated on me?? With whom?? T.. Taehyung?? I got chills by just thinking of it. I shook my head and shurgged this useless thought from my mind and buried my face into his broad chest.

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