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Levi's P.O.V:

"Oi, you piece of shit. Where ya hidin' at? Aha, I hear ya scampering about..."

Shit, shit, shit. Just leave me alone...
I scrambled around my room, mind racing as I heard fists slam on the door. I had a chair propped under the knob, but I doubt it will hold the weight of my uncle's drunken body for long.

I unzipped my black backpack, piled clothes, my toothbrush, anything necessary. My eyes frantically searched for my piggy bank. I don't have time to be fumbling with the little slot to get my money out, so I slammed the poor ceramic pig on the floor. My hands shook violently as I shoved the bills into my wallet, along with some coins I managed to scrap off the floor.

My hands were bleeding, probably from the broken ceramic, and my lungs burned. I mustered up all the courage I had left, and slid the chair from under the handle. Sure enough, Kenny fell right over, slamming his knees into the chair. I hopped over him and ran down the stairs, him only a bit farther behind me.

When I reached the kitchen, I slid my arm over the counter, wiping any food that was on it into a little pouch I made with my hoodie. Kenny hooked me around the back of my neck, but I swung my right foot behind his left leg and yanked forward, making him lose his grip and fly backwards.

He cursed at me as I ran through the back screen door, hearing it slam against the old wooden frame for the last time. He didn't bother chasing me after that, I wasn't worth his time. So I ran, and I ran, and damn I ran as fast as I could out of that hellhole.

After I had come to a stop just outside of my neighborhood did I recollect myself. I put the food I hadn't spilt into my bag, and I counted my money. $2145.67 sounds like a lot, but money goes fast when you're on your own.

My name is Levi, and I'm a runaway.

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