"He can talk?!" CHAPTER 1

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It was another day for SMG3, a Saturday to be exact. A day all to himself!.. and Eggdog. He had brought Eggdog to the park to let it go have fun while he just watched him. Though something felt off when it ran off to go play, Three had noticed that Eggdog was looking for something. He stood up and was about to walk over to Eggdog but Eggdog came up to him instead. "Huh? What's up boy!" He asked his little son as he watched Eggdog sniff his leg. Suddenly, Eggdog began running to a nearby alleyway, Three was stunned by this and chased after him. "Where are you going?!" He called out to his son.

The meme guardian lost sight of him in the somewhat dark alley.. "Eggdog?? Eggdog!! Where are you?!" He called out as he looked in and behind dumpsters and trash cans. Three suddenly heard a bark, "Eggdog??" He quickly looked around before jumping once he saw Eggdog behind him. "AH-..There you are!" He exclaimed once he realized who was now in front of him. "You scared me-" he was cut off by..Eggdog?

"I am very sorry to interrupt you father but I need to tell you something very important!" The Eggdog Said which shocked its owner even more. "..YOU CAN SPEAK?!" Three said with a very shocked tone, thinking this was a dream or he was hallucinating. "Yes, I can speak.. but that does not matter right now, there is a bigger problem on our hands." It said, "A bigger problem? What do you mean, boy?- er- Eggdog?" He asked his son though he did have way more questions than that.

Too many questions.. like, how can it speak proper English? What truly was the Eggdog? When did it start to speak? But all those questions faded away once he saw glowing rocks appear, red, green, blue and purple. They were floating right beside Eggdog. "Woah... what the hell are those??" SMG3 asked, "These are transformation rocks, which will soon become magic pendants." It said to the confused meme guardian. "Magical pendants? Transformation rocks? What are they even for??" He was even more confused now. "SMG3, you are a magical guardian!" It said, head butting the small purple rock over to him. Three put his hand in front of his face, catching the glowing purple rock.

A light flashed as the transformation happened, he was suddenly in a dress and his hair was way longer than normal- wait was it purple?! His nails were painted black and was wearing white boots with heels. Three was confused with the flash of light as he looked down. "..WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" He said with a bit of panic in his voice as he turned around, looking at his new outfit change. "Why am I in a damn dress?!" He quickly looked at Eggdog. "What did that rock do?!"

Eggdog looked at its owner, "That rock gave you powers. Though at the cost of your own dignity but.. the dress is a bit like plot armor and it lessens your chance of dying." It said, "Do not worry, father. It is permanent and lasts about two hours before removing your abilities and armor." It continued to speak. "So I have to wait two whole hours till this is over?!" Three said in shock, "At least this shit isn't permanent..." he mumbled to himself, sighing.

He kept on looking at the outfit, still not used to it. His questions started to bubble up again, how was this happening and why! He sighed once more. "But father, I need you to find the other guardians to stop the evil spreading into this world!" Eggdog said, looking over at the other rocks. "The others?.." he looked at the rock, "it's not like I have a choice.." he continued, "I'm sure the journey would take a long while.. but I wish you luck." It said with a reassuring bark.

The guardian nodded and grabbed the rocks, "Right, is there any clues to find them?" He asked, "The colors of the rocks might help you, but other than that there isn't a single thing to help you find them." It said, "I see.." he then got cut off by the Eggdog, "NOW GO SMG3! FIND THE OTHER MAGICAL GUARDIANS AND SAVE THE WORLD!" It barked as it pushed him out of the alley.


SUPER MAGICAL GUARDIANS! Saviours of our world (An SMG4 AU)Where stories live. Discover now