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(A rather short chapter)

It's been days since Eggdog had told Three to go and find the other guardians, he didn't know who the red and green gems belonged to but he did have a feeling of whom the blue one was meant for, he was hoping it wasn't true. Currently, the purple guardian was looking around for some sort of clue till he stumbled upon the newgrounds, noticing that SMG4 wasn't in the little square that was supposed to be the new castle. SMG3 was a bit confused till he saw the RV next to it with Four about to walk into it.

Three was about to walk off but he noticed how the blue gem in his hand started to glow now that he was closer to Four. "Oh great.. of course it's him!" He sighed as he looked back at where Four was and well- he was gone.  "Wh- Where did that idiot go?!" He said pretty confused as he looked around before noticing that the RV was driving off. "Shit." He mumbled before running after the RV, calling out for Four.

Meanwhile, SMG4 was busy driving, he heard a voice and looked out the rear window. He saw Three chasing the RV and immediately hit the brakes, "Three?" he looked out the window and.. Three was on the ground. He got out of the RV and walked over to him, "Why were you calling me?.. and are now on the ground?" SMG4 asked him, helping him up. "I'm just fine.."

"Alright then, uh.. I'll get going now—" Four said but got interrupted by the other guardian. "Wait!.. uh, where the hell are you even going?" Three asked as Four's eyebrow raised. "..Nevermind. Just take this, don't ask why." He said, shoving the glowing gem into his hands. "What is it?..and why is it glowing??" Four asked him before getting interrupted again, "It's a magical rock!" Eggdog said, appearing from under SMG3's hat. "Did Eggdog!" Four continued to speak, shocked with what Eggdog just said. "I have just spoken! Now do not worry, young Four. That stone can give you powers! We need you to use that stone to become a magical guardian! Magical Guardian Glitchy! That's who you shall become!" Eggdog spoke again, "Magical Guardian..Glitchy?" "YES!..or Magical Guardian Four if that's up to your taste." Eggdog continued to speak.

After a bit of explaining, which was rather confusing to believe a rather odd talking magical meme..though it wasn't so far fetched in this universe. Three and Four sort of got the full story and were about to transform for the full time for a practice fight and to find out what abilities they had.


SUPER MAGICAL GUARDIANS! Saviours of our world (An SMG4 AU)Where stories live. Discover now