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Chay's POV

It's been two days since I saw Alpha Kim. When I asked P'Big about his whereabouts, he said he hadn't seen him either. I thought of contacting him but didn't know how he would react.

I got a call from my brother asking me to visit him today. I also want to meet him, but I want to talk to Alpha Kim before visiting my brother. I was thinking about whether to contact him or not. I heard P'Big calling my name.

"Nong Chay, Alpha Kim just called and informed me to take you to the main pack house. He will directly come there after completing his work." I felt relief after hearing that Alpha Kim called P'Big. I thanked the moon goddess for keeping him safe. I was not having a good feeling when he left that day without even telling me where he was going.

"Oh, okay, then let's go," I said to P'Big. I agreed to leave with P'Big, but I don't know why I just want to see Alpha Kim.

After a long drive, we arrived at the main pack house. As soon as I entered, I saw Venice running towards me. I kneeled and caught him for a hug. I picked him up and held him in my arms. P'Khun came and hugged me and started to tell me how much he missed me.

"My little omega, how can you leave for your husband's house without telling me? When I came back home after my trip with my mate I got to know that you left to stay at Kim's house. I'm angry with you. You didn't even call me once." He whined like a small kid. Venice in my arms started to giggle and told P'khun that he was acting like a child.

"I'm sorry, P'Khun. You were not around here when I got to know that I had to stay in Alpha Kim's place." I replied to him and gave him an apologetic look.

"Okay, I will forgive you." P'Khun smiled and took me inside. Venice told me to put him down, took me to his playroom, and asked me to play with him. P'Khun also joined us to play some games. After playing with both of them, I went to my room, which is also Alpha Kim's room. I planned to take a nap, but I totally forgot to meet my brother. When I asked P'Khun about where my brother was, he told me that my brother had some work to take care of with Alpha Kinn. So I texted my brother that I was in the pack house.

As I got freshened up and was about to go to bed, I felt a little dizzy. I was feeling hot all of a sudden. I let it slide and went to bed. I wasn't able to get some sleep. I started to sweat, and my body started to hurt a lot. I tried to get off the bed but fell off. I realised that maybe I had a high fever and my body was weak. I crawled to the phone to call for help. I called P'Khun because he was the only one around here. As soon as I informed him I was not feeling well, he arrived in my room, started to examine me, and called the pack doctor.

The pack doctor examined me and was talking to P'Khun seriously. I wasn't able to hear them as I was feeling uneasy. After talking to P'Khun, the pack doctor left the room. I tried asking P'Khun what the doctor told him about my health, but I was not able to talk and felt dizzy, so I decided I would ask him after waking from my sleep and closing my eyes.


Tankun's POV

When N'Chay arrived at the pack house, I felt something was not right. When I hugged him, I felt his body get slightly hot. I ignored it at first, but when we were playing with Venice, I started to observe that he was feeling uncomfortable. He informed me that he wanted to take a nap. I told him to take a rest and went to my room. After a while, I got a call from him telling me that he was having a high fever and that his body was weak. I ran to his room as soon as possible. It is impossible for a werewolf to fall sick. Before entering the room, I linked my mate and told him to come to N'Chay's room.

I saw him sleeping on the floor. I helped him get on the bed. After my mate arrived, he examined N'Chay and told me that he was going through his heat cycle. I asked him if we could help him, but my mate informed me to call Kim and tell him about the situation. I agreed with my mate and told him to get some water for the little omega. As he left for the water, I turned back and saw that N'Chay was asleep. I decided to call Kim.

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