Chapter I - Difficult Conversations

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Playing the violin has always been his passion. Thanks to it, he could focus on one activity and forget for a moment about the gray and boring world around him. Now, too. He gently pulled the instrument out of its case and ran his fingers carefully over the strings. Then, with the same care, he took out bow(I mean what you play on the violin but the translator translates strangely) and ran the rosin over it several times. After a while, the sounds of his own composition resounded in the room, played with such care as if each of these sounds were made of gold.The composition was not long. However, despite this, the rhythm changed quite often and unexpectedly.

After only a minute of play, the song was over. - Huh. I thought it would go worse, especially since I haven't practiced much lately - he said with a cheerful face, putting the violin back in its place. - Evelio Kenvetch! Could you please stop this nonsense and come down here for algebra class! - The boy sighed. Algebra class was the class where it was hard to stay awake. What else calligraphy lessons. These were classes in which, despite the fact that he had to rewrite the chronicles, he was able to concentrate well, which made his learning to write in cursive almost perfect. With these thoughts he slowly made his way down the winding staircase, passing all four floors of the Kenvetch mansion one by one.Finally when he went downstairs. He had to go through a long corridor with various rooms on both sides. He passed in turn. The library ,  uncle 's study , the piano room , the dining room . He finally reached the last room. He knocked and was granted permission to enter. The room wasn't big and there wasn't much furniture either. 

There was his desk, a chair, and a much larger teacher's desk and his plush armchair. -Sit down- he ordered sternly. He carried out the command. - Boy. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want you to pick up that damned instrument. - Sorry . This will not happen again. -replied the boy quietly with his head hung humbly.- I hope . I've got you covered if I hear the sound of that thing again I swear I'll smash that violin in front of your eyes . Do we understand each other? - said the uncle pressing the boy with a stern look.He then turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly heard his alumnus's voice. - Couldn't I go back to school? - said Evelio quietly- Why are you asking stupid questions? I have already explained to you , that this university will not teach you what I am teaching you here. You can't ride a horse and fight with a sword like any man so try to apply yourself to your studies and stop being a disappointment to everyone. -- I'm sorry. I won't ask you again.- replied the boy with a broken voice.The uncle left the room and immediately after him the teacher entered and for the next 2 hours Evelio had to listen and answer questions related to mathematics. If it were not for the fact that the teacher was ready to hit the student at any time if he made a mistake, the boy would not have sat up nights at his algebra books.Finally, the lesson was over and Evelio was able to go to his retreat in the library.

 He loved to read , he even wrote a few texts and poems himself but showing them to anyone involved ridicule. The only person who saw Evelio writing was a black cat that had its corner in the attic . The boy had to keep an eye on the animal so that it would not accidentally meet his uncle without being in the hiding place. For the uncle hated animals. Now, too. Cat watched the pen glide across the paper, leaving behind nice, even letters written by its owner's hand.After just a few minutes, the boy picked up another sheet of paper and, with concentration on his face, began to write the next lines. - You see a cat maybe something will come of it one day. Maybe even someone besides you will like it.†he sighed putting down his pen and reading the text he had written once more.The sun was slowly setting. Evelio was still sitting in the library reading some poems by candlelight. The cat had long since fallen asleep in its owner's lap. The day looked like most - boring lessons , silence in the library and this eternal loneliness. The boy closed the book and carefully placed the cat on the armchair. He got up and looked out of the window to see beautiful mountains covered with silvery-white snow on their tops.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Chapters will appear twice or once a week , so far nothing is happening but soon the action will start.
Have a nice day/night!

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