Chapter Nine

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Livia tackled Maron, the two laughing as they wrestled. "Maron, come here honey!"Duchess smiled. Cobra yawned, Duchess smiling at him. "Uncle Cobra, can I ask you something"Livia asks Elliot helping her up. "Yeah"Cobra asks his eyes closed. ".....What was the mutiny war?"Livia asks Jerbo looking alarmed. Cobra opened his eyes, staring at her. "That's a little too gruesome for you kid..."Cobra mutters. "I wanna know! Dad promised to tell me when I turned sixteen, but he never did!"Livia argues. "Cobra, she deserves to know"Duchess says gently. "Fine, all of you come closer"Cobra sighed. He yawned and stretched. "A long time ago, there were four of us in one squadron..Me, Lilia, Ambert and Duke..we were he best of friends and always slept in a pile, since I was the biggest, I'd sleep at the bottom"Cobra sighed flicking his tail. "I met Lilia as a cub, he crashed into me and my brother, Duke"Cobra chuckled.

"Duke was so mad that he ruined our first hunt, but we became fast friends with him and always snuck off to play, our parents hated it but we didn't care, soon Ambert joined our group and we became a force to not be reckoned with"Cobra smiled his expression softening. "...We all grew up together, joined the Draconia Army together, fought together and everything....we all were inseparable..until it happened"Cobra continues. "Dad, what happened?"Toroune asks. Cobra stayed silent, Duchess leaning against him. "...Ambert, he suddenly became verbally aggressive, harsh and violent, lashing out at the smallest problem"Cobra answers. "He almost blinded Lilia once, then distanced himself, we don't know what happened to him"Cobra sighed. Livia flattened her ears back stunned, now realizing why her father was reluctant to tell her everything. "Lilia assigned me and Duke to keep watch over him in the Jaguar Village"Cobra started up again.

"Ambert started the Mutiny at dawn, he attacked me and Duke, holding us hostage with his claws on our throats as the jaguars of the village ripped into the jaguars that decided to stay loyal to the royal family....then the war begun, Ambert held my daughter Zelda prisoner, forcing me to fight for him"Cobra snarled his tail curling up. "Those soldiers that I killed I still see their looks of disbelief, Lilia's furious expression when Arian died, I could never forget it"Cobra mutters. "Ambert killed Zelda because we failed and he killed Duke's wife, so me and my brother fled and traveled together until Duke abandoned me suddenly, I was alone...I was angry and scared...I wanted to go home, I wanted things to go back to how they were! The days where we would joke around and play fight!"Cobra snarled. He whirled around and slashed his claw across a tree. "But I knew things wouldn't go back to normal, NOT AFTER WHAT THAT RAT FACE DID"Cobra snarled.

He calmed himself, his ears flattened back as tears fell down his cheeks. "Your mother, Livia, she sent Lilia to find me, Duke tried to put a stop to it...the reason, I don't know, but I'm glad he did, cause then I wouldn't have met Duchess and found a reason for living again"Cobra finishes. Livia looked down, then looked up wondering what went wrong and why Ambert had changed. "I can't believe I didn't manage to kill my targets! How did they all get away!" She looked back alarmed, her eyes wide. Jaseem looked at her, earning a nod in return. He nodded back and hurried away to see who passed by. Leo walked past with a stack of books, a scowl on his face. "Uncle Cobra, one more thing, what was Ambert like before he changed"Livia asks. "Well, Ambert was our resident jokester, his jokes always made us smile"Cobra replies. Livia nodded then waved and hurried away with her friends. "Leo"Jaseem says.

Livia stared at him alarmed, the group stopping in front of the cafeteria. "Did Leo set the bomb?"Livia wondered. "If he did, was he aiming for someone or was he trying to get everyone"Tiana wonders. Livia shushed her friend, hearing Leo's mind. "Should I make another one, I only need to get three of them!" Livia covered her mouth, at what came next alarmed. "Jaseem, Alison....and Neige, all three were supposed to be in the room because of the notes I sent! Silver was useless as well, I was hoping the commotion would have them rush there! But none of them went in!!" Livia ran down the hall, hearing one last thought before Leo fell out of range. "I'll just kill them myself!" Jaseem and Elliot ran beside her, the trio hurrying through the halls. "Leo set the bomb, he's planning on killing, Jaseem, Alison and Neige!"Livia says quickly. "The sun is starting to set! It'll be too dark to find them, we gotta hurry!"Elliot gasped.

The trio stopped, looking around alert. "Who would he go after first? Alison?"Elliot asks. "Tiana would fight to the death to protect us and Alison is always with him, so he's of the list. Jaseem is with us right now so that leaves..."Livia replies trailing off. "NEIGE!!!!" They hurried towards the history room, students leaping out of the way as they passed. Livia bursted into the history room, finding Neige there her eyes wide. "Guys?"Neige says surprised. She hurried over to him, Leo freezing right as he stepped into the room. Leo stared at them all, his blue eyes flickering to a dark red for a moment. "Hey Leo"Livia greets shakily. Leo stared her down, narrowing his eyes. She stared at him, then stopped hearing something different. "Leo, leave him, we have a new target."

Leo walked away, Livia hurrying to the door. "He just left?"Jaseem says surprised. "I heard something in his mind, there's a new target"Livia corrects. "I was a target!"Neige gasped. "Yeah, he was gonna rip you to shreds if we didn't get here in time"Jaseem says Neige looking pale. "Jaseem!"Livia glared. "Oops sorry"Jaseem apologized. "So much Drama on the first day, I wonder what tomorrow will bring"Elliot says worriedly. "Guys, I have a theory about something"Livia says. "What is it?"Neige asks. "Ambert and Leo, they're acting somewhat the same, right....what if that's not really them doing it of their own free will...what if they're being possessed by something or someone...and being forced to do all this bad stuff"Livia replies startling her friends. Red smoke hovered outside of the doorway, chuckling coming from it before floating away.

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