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Travis didn't really leave of course , he just masked his energy and chilled on the clouds. He watched the fight between Lisa and the two strong beings below. Plus of course Hunter standing behind them with smirk on his face.

" You see me I don't need to fight just to prove I'm stronger. I'll just have my men do that for me. Kill that woman!!"

They moved on the command,  going on either side at her in fast speeds. Lisa created a katana blade, the blade was dark blue in color and exuded the same color aura. When they were right infront of her , Lisa slashed her sword so fast that no body could even see it happening. But the the beings that were cockly flying towards her suddenly fell down with a clean cut on their torso.

Hunter was shocked to the core, he really thought that these artificial being could scrap with a peak person. He must have not taken his pills today. He was about to summon so more but he suddenly felt his whole hand turn cold. Looking down he saw it being covered by ice then like glass it shattered leaving his hand into broken frozen pieces.

Hunter screamed loudly in shock, he looked at Lisa , but he didn't mind her in the sky, instead she was standing right infront of him with a literal cold look on her face. Her eyes slowly went back to normal, staring at Him with disgust in her eyes.

" I don't even want to look at you anymore"

Those were the last words he heard.


Lisa cut his head clean off, it fell to the ground and shattered, when the blade touched his neck it instantly turned his whole body into ice. Seeing the pieces of his body laying on the ground, Lisa began to calm down and all her energy dropped back to normal. The sky cleared up melting all the snow on the ground.

Hunters then moved in, they all surrounded Lisa with different types of weapons. Qortana moved in and said.

" Miss Lisa please calm down and follow us, we are not going to detain you, the king wants to see you infact"

Well that descalated quickly. She nodded and didn't bother complaining. She looked for any sign of Travis, but then she felt his presence in the clouds. She smiled warmly and followed the Hunters out the building and straight to the capital where she was going to speak with the King.

Travis didn't bother staying either,  like a jet plane only faster. Travis zoomed in the air flying straight towards the academy,  he landed infront of the hole and went through it. He then leaped over the forest and landed infront of the dorm. Seeing that his dorm window was open, he jumped towards it and entered.

Seeing everyone walking around or sitting on the couches.

' Wait when did I get a new couch?'

Well Seeing then Travis was shocked to see they they were all carefree and doing their own thing instead of worrying about him. They all turned to Travis at the same time and their smiles grew. The girls Well the ones Travis has cultivated their affection ran at him and they all hugged him which should be impossible but he didn't complain. While the mature ladies just smiled and watched from afar. Well except Akari who felt left out and joined in the hug.

" Travis you're back!!"

" how was the fight?"

" Was the opponent strong?"

" Did you win, of course you did why am I asking that. "

" Did you bring us gifts. Hey did you leave here in your pajamas where did you get those clothes?"

" You smell like a woman that I don't know and I don't like that"

" Hhmm yes he does smell like a foreign woman, Travis!! Explain to us what you've been doing without us"

" Yes , confess Travis or I'll get really mad at you"

" Or just castrate you, fufufu"

" What the fuck, nahh Grace what is wrong with you?"

" I'm only joking, fufufu"

Travis didn't know which question to answer first. He was certainly not going to answer the ones about a foreign lady since it's something private.

" Yeah Im fine I guess,  so how was the day  without me?" He asked. They all forgot about the woman and started telling about their experiences without Travis in their life.

" Honestly Travis, I   literally died yesterday. On my dead dog I was dead." Scarlett said. Her dog was twisting and turning at its  grave right in this moment.

" Well I miss you all as well. I was in an underground base were I fought a guy on steroids then beat him at his own element. Then I went to Kansas and fucked the shit out of weird being. " He told them his heroic journey.

They all beamed in existence. " Woah Travis,  we even saw you on Tv" Azusa said.

" Ohh that's cool............ wait you what!?"

Travis got out the 8 women bare hug and went to the TV and turned it on. He went to the news channel and watched it for a hot minute till they showed the footage off him leaping into the air with the being in his hand.

' What the fuck. I was trying to lay freaking low now they do this. But they blurred my face, good job news channel you done did a good job' 
The government quickly worked and did their thing to close off all the videos posted with Travis's face in it before it even went a little far. They wanted to keep the news about the SSS class covert so that they don't alert the Empire.

" Now can I get some food, I'm really hungry " Travis said,  the sound of his stomach grumbling loudly made them all laugh.


In the Royal Palace, in the Throne room Lisa stood infront of the King John Hudson. Since she was also royalty she had no reason to bow down or prostrate.

" Princess Lisa, we welcome you to our Kingdom. Now about the problem that happened today, we'd like to brush it under the rug if you don't mind. " He said that with an embarrassed smile.

Lisa shrugged her shoulders and said." I just want you to make be go to Lightyear Academy and make me a teacher than I'll sweep it under the rug"

" That will be done this instantly. Thank you for this, will you be staying for the night?"

Lisa didn't bother answering , she already dissappeared from sight, and broke out the window and flew out in blinding speeds.

' That was a close call, if people would've learned that I was the one who appointed Hunter as the Duke then I'd be in deep shit'

If you're all wondering how no one even noticed that Glory City had suddenly dissappeared,  well the higher ups can easily make it as If a huge storm came and flattened the whole area. It's not much work for them since they have influence. Sure they're conspiracy theories but they're brushed to the side like any other theory.

' I wonder if Travis is ready to take me as his own. Kyaa I can't wait'

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