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Kyle and Nathan ran over to a window table. The place had wooden floors and cushion seats. It had a stand to order from in the main part of the place. Kyle decided that Austin could do the adulting, while he and Nathan had some time together.
"Man...This reminds me of when we were little," Nathan smiled with nostalgia. "It was a McDonalds, but our parents let us play together. We got to go out to eat and everything!" He laughed, his hair just slightly bobbing as he did.
"Yeah," Kyle chuckled. "You gave me, like, all of your fries, man." Nathan waved his hands in a it's nothing kind of way. His plaid sweater was dark blue, and Kyle noticed that Nathan still loved the color. He was pretty happy about that. Nathan hadn't changed much since they were little, but then again, he really did. He was much calmer and cooler. To Kyle, he had always been cool, but now he was just plain badass to him. Kyle definitely had changed. He wasn't the same excitable little orange t-shirt wearing boy he was way back, but it seemed like the two of them brought out the happiness in each other when they hung out.
Austin and Henry finished ordering, and sat down at the table with Kyle and Nathan. Austin breathed heavily, putting his hands on his chest. He made sure not to press his hand too hard. He had pins on his jacket that he didn't want to break.
"Goddamn, why is it so hard to be polite to allistics?!" Henry laughed nervously, patting Austin on the back. "They just fuckin' STARE at you. In the eyes. They make me so nervous," Austin said while putting his head over his arms on the table.
"It's okay, honey. I can order next time." Henry said, though the two of them knew that Henry was just as bad with people as Austin was, if not worse.
Austin and Henry smiled at each other. Kyle thought they were going to kiss again and groaned.
"Kyle! Do they have toys here?" Nathan interrupted, his voice breaking Kyle's thoughts.
"Umm... I don't think so. This isn't McDonald's, babe." Nathan's face flushed. Kyle was getting good at telling when he did.
"...Well... Let's-Let's go check!"
Right as Nathan said that, he dragged Kyle's sleeve and pulled him around the corner, right to the ordering stand.
"So?" Kyle said. He had his hands in his pockets. Nathan smirked at him.
"I know there's no toys at Domino's. But," Nathan got real close to Kyle's face. Kyle began to sweat, and he felt his face go red. Nathan leaned in and kissed him, right there, inside Domino's. They were lucky it was mostly empty today. Kyle's eyes widened, but he closed them and held Nathan close. After a second, Nathan pulled away. "Yoink! I need that!" Nathan smirked, waving Kyle's wallet in front of him.
"Hey! You little bitch!" Kyle laughed. Nathan smiled and ran to the counter with Kyle chasing him playfully. He turned back towards Kyle. "...Can I order, babe?"
Kyle rolled his eyes, then sighed. He broke into a smile. "Sure, why not?" Nathan dug through and fetched some money. He waited for someone at the register, and then ordered some snacks.
Back at the table, Henry and Austin had just gotten the pizza.
"Man, that kid's pretty dumb. There's no toys at Domino's. Has he ever even been here? What a dumbass." Austin snickered. Henry looked over his shoulder at them. He saw them laughing and playing around, teasing and nudging each other.
"I think he knew that," Henry smiled. "He just wanted to be with his boyfriend." Austin climbed over the seat to see, and saw what Henry did.
"You know," Austin said, "I GAVE that shit the cash in his wallet last week, so he's buyin' some brookie thing with my money!" He sat back down.
Kyle and Nathan returned with the brownie-cookie-hybrid.
" some snacks..." Kyle muttered, trying to explain their absence. Austin gave him a snarky look, and just picked up some pizza.
"Uh huh, sure kid."
After they ate, Henry and Austin smile.
"You know Austy, it's nice to just be here with you like this, not stressing about work." Henry mumbled. Austin nodded, scooting closer to him and held his face.
"Yeah, plenty of time to kiss your stupid face without Kennington giving us shit." He replied, smooching his lips. Kyle and Nathan looked at each other with discomfort.
"That is SO gross," Nathan commented, acting offended.
"Ugh, that's such a queer thing to do," Kyle agreed, holding Nathan's hand under the table.
Austin rolled his eyes at them.
"Oh, grow up." He tried not to, but he broke out in a smile.

Double Date, (Henstin, Kythan) [WDY]Where stories live. Discover now