Future Awaited

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Fuckshit was on his way home from Moters he had been calling echo but received no response. While approaching the driveway he immediately noticed something was off, the door is wide open his heart dropped he felt as almost his body went cold so many things could have happened the thoughts rushed through his head as he stumbled out the car. He began to search the downstairs area and found nothing he kept calling out for her in hopes to hear her voice sending a cooling relief over him but the was no trace of her he ran upstairs and searched through every room until he finally walked in the room he shared with her his eyes wandered everywhere trying to see if she was hiding somewhere he was walking through the room till something on the bed made him stop in his tracks

the pregnancy test

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Wind blew through echos hair her phone had been going off so she had to silence it. It was now 10 at night it killed her to be away from fuckshit but she worried for his reaction she had no idea what was her next step the past happened she was in the present afraid of the future that awaited for her. She had finally looked at her phone she had 200 missed called from Fuckshit and 100 texts of him begging her to come home and 100 voicemails she played the last one in this one he was in tears breathless

Fuckshit:"Ma please come home please where are you whatever going on I don't know but please come home your killing me where are you come home just come home...please"

Echo turned her phone off tears rolled down her cheeks she knew she had to head home it was not dark and all though she enjoyed skating in the night especially while cold she knew it wasen't safe so she called Ray to come get her.

It only took a few minutes for him to arrive Ray saw the girl sitting on top of her board on the sidewalk with her knees pulled close to her chest he exists the car and sits right next to her

"You okay Binks everyone was worried about you especially Fuckshit he hasn't answered our calls were all worried whats going on?" Ray said while letting out a sigh and rubbing the girls back

"i-im sorry im sorry i did this im sorry i made everyone worried i just i don't know what to do right now" echo let her tears fall as her words spilled out she began to ramble till Ray helped her snap back to reality by having her stand up, he hugged her tight

"whatever is going on Binki it will be okay your strong you've been through a lot you have lost a lot of things and gained a lot as well but at the end of the day i know you dont like taking any bullshit so come on lets get you home" Ray gave the girl a soft smile

"Thank you ray that really helped" echo smiled as well and wiped her tears they both got in the car and Ray drove her to fuckshit's 

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Echo arrives at fuckshit's house she thanks Ray for bringing her and he waits till the unlocks the door to drive off as Echo walks in she takes a deep breath then locks the door behind her. The house was quiet she walked upstairs to find Fuckshit asleep with his phone in his hand she sits next to where he's laying and brushes her thumb over his tear stained cheeks even as a wreck he still looked handsome she never knew that she would have Olan Prenatt the man who is cocky always sarcastic and carless actually caring over her. 

"im so sorry" echo whispered while kissing his cheek it was freezing and he was sleeping on top of the covers, so she managed to tuck him under the covers without waking him up then she went to take a shower. 

As she was walking out of the restroom after taking a shower she sees fuckshit waking up he was looking down beginning to wipe whatever was left of his dried tears oblivious to the fact that echo was now in the room. she quietly walks up and sits next to him 

"babe im-I don't know what to say im sorry" as her words were spoken fuckshit looked to her, her voice , everything he needed was right in front of him. He grabs her and pulls her tightly into his arms shakily they both felt safe in each others arms but the moment was short lived due to fuckshit letting go 

"babe" echo says softly noticing the frustration across his face

" No why?... why did you leave?.. why? we could have figured this out but instead i have to fucking come home to the door wide open and your not here i thought something happened i thought someone took you i thought you were gone i-i fuck Echo all i wanted to do is see you and know that your okay but i didnt even get all call back-" fuckshit started yelling he knew she hated that but his anger took over 

"i-im sorry i can explai-" echo was cut off by his screaming

"NO i dont wanna hear that shit Echo im leaving for tonight oh and I know about this" Fuckshit gets up and throws the pregnancy test at her her heart shattered she knew she brought this on to herself but if he could only understand 

"O stop" Echo said with tears rolling down her cheeks she began to slightly shake she couldn't even make out words this is what she was afraid of. The future that awaited her is now beginning to be her present.

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