Derek & Kara vs. Ares

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*The next day after breakfast, Alex showed Derek and Kara around Corinth. She showed them shops to get clothes, food and other things they need*

"Well want to get some new clothes there's a shop that we go to all the time" She said.

"Yeah let's see what they got, maybe something nice for us to wear so we can blend in" Kara said.

*They walked into the shop and found clothes for them to try on and show off, while Alex waited outside for them to show her the outfit*

"You guys come on show me that way you can have it and anything else you need" She said.

*Kara was the first one out and showed Alex and spun around*

"Well, Alex how do I look" Kara said.

"You look amazing, Derek is gonna love it" She said as Derek came out and showed them both.

"Wow you look handsome" Kara said.

"Well you look beautiful Kara" Derek said.

"I think you both have outfits now go change than we can grab Hercules and have lunch" She said sitting down waiting for them to walk out and pay for the outfit.

*After paying for the outfits they headed back to grab Herc for lunch, they went to the cafe and had an amazing lunch*

"Thank you both for lunch we appreciate it, so tell us about this Ares guy and how bad he is" Derek said.

"Well, he has fireball power and ice powers so avoid them as possible and dodge his fireball to" She said.

"We will don't worry were to fast for him to even try and burn us as well as freeze us" Kara said.

*After lunch they headed back and sat down as Herc showed them his arm where he has that wound that was healing*

"Ouch, that had to hurt and I'm glad your ok" Derek said.

"I am, but I worry about Alex, I know she has karate and my training skills but she still ended up freezing to death and it pissed me off" He said angrily smashing a rock.

"Hey, calm down the point is she kicked his ass to but you were protective of her" Kara said.

"I'm fine, but Ares is around when you least expect it, so be on your guard." She said walking to the training area showing Kara where he had her sitting down with her arms and legs in ice.

"This is where he had you held down while he tried to kill Hercules?" Kara said.

"Yeah but he killed him which we saw him disappear, but he's a God of War so he can be anywhere" She said kicking the training dummy using her karate skills.

"Alex, Herc, we don't use ours unless we feel threatened or you guys get hurt" Kara said.

*While Alex was washing up in the bathroom, she thought she heard something and peeked out seeing Herc, Derek and Kara talking in a whispered voice. She knew it wasn't them and dried her hands as she looked in the mirror and saw Ares behind her*

"Ares, what the hell are you doing here we have company get out of here" She said kicking him in the gut as she tried to get out of the bathroom..

"Well I came to see you it has been a while and I thought I'd show your friends what happens when I show up" Ares said wrapping his arm around her throat as he walked out with her only for Kara and Derek to hear and growl as Herc looked in their direction.

"Look what my cat Streaky dragged in and threw up in the room, let her go now" Kara yelled growing and baring her teeth.

"Ares! Let her go or I swear your dead for good this time" He said getting to his feet.

"Brother, introduce me to your friends and you will stay where you are or else she dies" Ares laughed as he threw a fireball at Hercules as he dodged it.

"You forget brother, this place is fire proof as well as ice proof, now let her go I won't say it again" He said.

*Kara and Derek looked and both growled at him, Alex looked at them and wondered what they were doing*

"Guys this is Herc's half brother Ares, Ares this is my sister and her boyfriend Derek" She said trying to step on his foot hard.

"Nice to meet you both but you came at a bad time" Ares said tightening his grip on Alex for the mistake she made.

*Alex tried to pry his arm from her neck, but she couldn't and could feel herself getting ready to pass out as she also felt a blade to her side and knew if they didn't back off she'd get stabbed*

"You two are to young to fight the God of War" Ares said pushing the blade into her side making her cry out in pain.

"Now I'm gonna leave with her and you stay where you are" Ares said.

*Kara and Derek, both growling still as their eyes turned blue*

"You might want to stand back Hercules, you and Alex are gonna see something that we can't explain" Derek said as he bared his teeth and Herc saw him start to transform.

"You weren't kidding, your a werewolf? Both of you" Herc said.

"Yes we are, now I'm not gonna repeat myself, let my sister go or you will be ripped to shreds" Kara said changing in front of Alex's eyes. Ares wasn't fazed by them and kept the blade in her side as they smelled blood coming out of her side.

*Alex saw them transform into werewolves she was in to much pain to try to get away and passed out in his arms*

"Wow impressive, what are you gonna do bite me to death? Cute me to death?" Ares laughed seeing that Alex was passed out in his arms as she was bleeding which made Hercules angry to charge at Ares only to get tripped and thrown into the wall behind them.

*As Derek saw Hercules go down and Kara saw Alex passed out, they both growled, barred teeth and charged at him.*

*He had to drop Alex to the floor when Kara lunched at his face with her claws and clawed out his eyes*

*Derek followed suite and lunged at him biting and clawing his legs and abdomen*

*Herc slowly shook off the pain and saw Alex, he crawled over to her and pulled her towards him holding her as he watched them scratch, bite and tear him to pieces*

"Get him make him pay for hurting Alex" He said laying her in his lap applying a towel to her wound.

*Kara felt him try to hit her only for her to bite down on his arm and tearing it making him cry out from the blood as Derek continued to claw and bite him more*

*Ares kicked Kara off him having her land not to far from Alex and Hercules, making Derek growl and bite down more.*

*Derek looked at her and knew she was tough but he was also protecting her as he made his way to her and licked her*

*After she saw Derek come to her rescue, she growled at they both lunged at him going for the throat killing him as he cried out, they than took his body and put it in the dumpster as they saw his body disappear and than transformed back cleaning up their teeth and rinsing their mouths*

*They went to Hercules and Alex and they went to help get her to the bed, after they looked at her wound as they helped Herc clean and bandaged it. They placed a cold rag on her forehead and let her sleep*

"You guys were great, never seen werewolves before Alex and I appreciate it, he won't bother us anymore, why don't you guys get some water and sit with Alex and let her know your here and see when she will wake up if not than get some rest" He said.

"Thanks no one hurts my sister or you I maybe 13 but I am a strong werewolf" Kara said sitting with Alex kissing her head.

"Rest Alex you need it, Derek, Herc and I are here your safe again" Kara said.

"She's right rest, Kara come let's get some rest and I'm glad your ok, and that he didn't physically hurt you. I will protect you just like how you protect Alex and same with Herc I protect him to" Derek said kissing her head and carrying her to bed to sleep while he held her.

*Herc walked to Alex and held her carefully cause of her wound and just laid awake arms protectively around her as he made sure it was quiet and the lights were out and the door closed and locked so they can sleep for a while since it was late*

Young Hercules Meets Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now