Chapter 3: Arrival in Oclain

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     Aiko looked up and just as Kai had said, they were now standing in front of the gates to Oclain Village.

     The banner on top of the gate said the words "Where The People Prosper and Grow".

     For some reason, the words embroidered on the sign above the gate entrance made Aiko want to crawl into a hole. They were very menacing in his opinion.

     With a tinge of hesitation, and a slow inhale, then exhale, as if preparing himself for what's to come--which he was--Aiko walked toward the gate and pushed it open.

     As they entered, both Aiko and Kai stopped in their tracks, shocked at the sight they witnessed before them. It seemed as though there weren't any problems whatsoever. The village people were bustling and chatting, going about their business as if nothing strange had been occurring there at all.

     Aiko was fairly familiar with how the town worked and knew that this was what a normal day would look like within the town.

     Oclain wasn't a big village, to begin with. Rather, it was on the smaller side. The village only occupies a good couple thousand people.

     As they arrived, they were met with a trail made of stone that led them straight through the middle of the town.

     Lined up along the sides of this stone trail were shops and stands alike; all bustling with customers. As one continued through the town, they were free to gaze at items said stands had to offer.

     Once one reached the middle of the town, they'd be met with a beautiful fountain. The fountain was covered in wild birds and clouds. The stone itself was a beautiful pastel blue.

     Where the fountain stood, the stone trail broke into four trails in the shape of an X, leading to other parts of the town. One leading back the way one came, one leading farther ahead along the same direction, one leading to the right, and one leading to the left.

     The trail was put there many hundreds of years ago as Oclain grew, helping traffic from both visitors and townsfolk move easier through the town.

     Oclain was a small village with roughly three thousand citizens. There was no leader, everyone was free to do as they pleased as long as they didn't kill or steal.

     There was never a need for such things as leaders or strict rules, because everyone in the town had the same ideologies. They all got along really well.

     It was always seen as destructive behavior by those outside of the town, but for anyone who grew up in the place, it was easy to understand since anyone barely got into any fights or aggressive disagreements.

     Well, they did, because people will always have different visions of things--even if it's small--but it never escalated to what someone would consider a crime. No one stole, murdered, or disrupted peace. Everyone kept to themselves for the most part, so what involved one person, never involved anyone outside of their family.

     "Look Mommy!! It's so cool!! Can I please have it?" Aiko turned his gaze to see a mother holding her child's hand as they leisurely strolled through the streets, glancing at items hung up on the stands.

     The child was pointing at a drum toy that was hung up and tugged his mother's sleeve, asking her to buy it for him. The mother glanced at what the boy was pointing at and, with a smile adorning her lips, said, "Of course my dear. Let's get it for you."

     Aiko couldn't help but smile softly, with a trace of sadness, at the two. Their interactions reminded him of his mother before his incident when he was ten.

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