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My name is Oliver. I'm fifteen years old. I have no idea where I am, I don't know how I got here, and I'm afraid... I'm afraid I might not get out alive.

I'm in a metal chair and my hands are cuffed behind me. I'm in a small cement room. No windows. One door. One metal table. Cameras in each corner of the room. Outside the door, I can here two men (I think they're men) talking. Although I have no idea what they're saying, because I think they're talking in Russian. Well, I have a pretty good idea of where I am now.

The two men walk in. Then I realize, one is a woman... "Great job Ollie" I thought to myself. The two are dressed exactly the same. Both wearing light brown pants, light brown jacket, green/brown boots, and what looks like an army hat. The womans hair is pulled back in a bun, and the mans hair is shaved short.

The woman is the first to speak. Although I have no idea what she said, because it was in Russian. So, I replied with, "What??" The woman repeated what she had said, in Russian. So, I again said, "What?? Me no speak-a Russian..."

The man then whispered something to the woman that I couldn't hear. The woman then nodded to the man, looked at me, glared a little, and said, "Where did you get this??" She pulled out a small bottle no bigger than a test tube filled with a purple liquid.

"Don't get me wrong lady. I like purple, really. It's my favorite color. But, I have no idea what that is, and I've never seen it before in my life." She, again, glared at me. Then she whispered something into the mans ear, and he left the room.

The door slammed shut and then there was a metallic click, "Locking mechanism?" I thought.

"Alright kid, we found this in you're pack when we found you in a crater about twenty miles from here."

"Wait, where are we?" I asked severely confused

"Soviet Russia, kid. Best place on Earth." She said with a smile.

"Then, how the heck did I get here?!? I'm from Chicago. Ya know, in the United States!!! Like, four-hundred miles from here!!"

"You don't remember anything, do ya kid?"

"No!! Nothing!!! Why and how am I in Russia?!?"

She then pulled a walkie-talkie out of her jacket and said something in Russian into it.

"Then how about I jog your memory a bit?"

Two seconds later, the man from before walked in pushing a TV and a DVD player on a cart into the room. The man turned both on and hit play.

What I saw next was the most shocking thing in my entire life. It was me, flying. No, not with wings. Not in an airplane. Nothing. Just me, flying. Like, Superman or something.

Then I realized what I'm wearing. Black jeans, a white V-neck, my favorite purple zip-up hoodie, and my red All-Star Converse. I also had my black backpack on me as well, but that was gone.

"So, what does this mean??" I said, seriously scared.

"You don't remember anything, do you?" The man asked.

"Like I said before, no! Nothing! NADA!" I yelled

"Okay, so, what do you remember?" Asked the woman with a very puzzled look.

"All I remember was I was at my friends house, we ordered a pizza. Canadian bacon. Then, we turned on the XBOX, and started playing until we passed out. That's all I remember!"

"Then how did you end up in Soviet Russia??" The man asked, also looking quite puzzled.

"I DON'T KNOW!!" I yelled, "I passed out in Chicago and woke up here. In a very uncomfortable chair if I might add. And these handcuffs aren't the best either."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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