Catfish (Niam)

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Liams POV

I finished breakfast and then logged into facebook. I couldn't go one day without going on facebook. It's quite addicting. 1 friend request. 2 notifications. I clicked on the notifacations first.

Zayn Malik commented on your status.

Louis Tomlinson sent you a request in farmville.

Then I clicked on the friend request.

Danielle Peazer wants to be your friend. Accept or Decline.

I looked at her profile. She was really pretty, and she was a dancer. Bonus! I accepted the friend request. Zayn Malik messaged you. I looked at the message.

Zayn: Hey, u wanna hangout today?

Liam: Uh yeah, at my place or urs?

Zayn: I can come to yours if you u want.

Liam:  Sounds good.

 Five minutes later I heard a knock on the door. Must be Zayn. I opened the door to see a tall black hair boy standing there. 

"Heey!" I greeted him in.

"Hey." We both sat down on the couch.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"How about we go out for some coffee or something?" I suggested. I was also addicted to coffee.

"Yeah sure." We both got up and I grabbed my keys and headed to the car. Me and Zayn knew eachother forever. Literally since we were babies. We're like brothers. 

We arrived at the coffee shop. "what do you want? I'll pay this time since you payed the last time."

Zayn laughed and corrected me. "Last 2 times, but I will get a coffee, 2 cream, 2 sugar please."

"Okay, me too." I ordered our coffee's and we sat down in the cafe talking for hours.

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