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Another fictional characters unfold of Yuna Kaito. Her writing hobby is in a halt for a while and found an emotive piece that made her write.


Inside the room there were chairs in front of the board. She scribed on her sticky note as her reminder on the cover of her book. It's a research for the last semester.

In the middle of the class, a butterfly landed on her hair. One of her classmates strike lightly to her hair with a book and everyone laughs which she reacts less. 

Takumi picked the butterfly and lost her wings. A life of the butterfly is so fragile and humans were so harmful.

The professor dismissed the class early because of the agenda he scheduled to himself.

She is now wearing her usual leather jacket with her brown shoulder bag.

Takumi Viella Burnett have a short hair and a slender build woman. A child of Fenrir is fond with fairies and having no recollection of her mother.

Did she slip her memory or someone did?

After her class, she will immediately go to the Newman Public Scribes where she is an assistant to his father's business. The space was antique and there were aisles of books inside like a library.

Her father is a scrivener and he used to work in the office. He don't mind the day is passing so fast outside.

On dad's desk there is a historical map behind it and she can trace what his former life was back then. 

He used to be a historian before who travel into places for exploration.

The photographs and recordings he kept for years preserved for future reference.

This is his secret office and his kind of seclusion place. Takumi can enter his room but he doesn't want to mess with his things.

Of course, his desk is overcrowded with his valued things and his fountain pen is very rare. She heard Lenore call me outside and leave her room. Lenore is also here who is a clerk of her father who has a quiet nature.

Takumi's father and Lenore have been working together for a long time and she have her small curiosity between the two if they have ever fallen in love.

She greeted Lenore with a hug and she gave Takumi's letters.

"What is it for?" she asked.

"For your dad. Just keep it, maybe one day he will read it," he said.

One thing she like about Lenore is she remains classic with her fashion.

Takumi want Lenore for her dad.

She's at her office table now facing her word processor on the computer. The place was already closed and Lenore and Takumi stayed here for a late night. Suddenly, a rabbit appears in the windowsill and it's kind of weird.


She went to her dad's room and it was as if her feet were taking her there with forbidden truth.

She wants to know what exist and occurred earlier with his literary works for the past years, thirsty for knowledge. She rummaged through the boxes and drawers. There were only volume of news stories here. She put his documents back in order. She went to his desk and there were scrolls on it that looked like treatises that were strictly forbidden. His bibliophile father keeps history books of elemental magic and magic courses. Potions. Sciences.

Is he some kind of a wizard?

"Takumi," Fenrir called behind her.

She held the note and slowly put it in the pocket of her flared jeans.

"Dad!" she exclaimed, assumed that he didn't see the note.

"You're not supposed to be here." 

Takumi is not his apprentice or something what he called because she have no knowledge about the librarian scholar.

"Time will tell," he stated.

When she came out, both ways on the streets were quiet and deserted, no signs of any vehicle. When Takumi crossed, car beep it's horn and the light is too damn brilliant.

"What the hell!"

Why did the car appear all of a sudden. Takumi was froze and glance at the car with shocking eyes. There is no driver.

She's screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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