Chapter 1- Positive

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Chapter 1// Positive//

I look at the little stick that is showing me my future. A pack of sour patch kids in my hand and water in the other. I put the stick on the toilet seat waitng for my future to be told by one little sign.

The timer goes off, letting my frantic mind go crazy. I look at the stick and my stomach drops. There it is. A small little black plus sign.

"Honey? Are you alright in there?" A knock comes from the bathroom door.

Crap! I shove the stick in the brown bag and shove it under the sink.

"Yes." my voice comes out croakly.

"Honey, I don't believe you. I'm coming in." She says.

The door handle starts shaking. I open the door before making sure everything is put away.

"Honey, why are you crying?" My mom's voice says with lace of concern.

Wow. I didn't even know I was crying. "Oh.. I um, I poked my self in the eye with my eyeliner." I lie.

Good one Journey. Now she wont find out. Hopefully.

"Oh. Okay. Well dinner is almost ready." She said before walking away.

I wipe my tears away before heading back downstairs. I grab the brown bag, my water and sour patch kids and grab my car keys to my electric blue Skyline r34.

"Mom, I'm going to Destiny's place for a minute!"

"Okay! Be back before 6!" She says from the living room.

I go outside and race to my car before I can get wet from the rain storm. I start my car up and turn up the radio. The song How do you sleep by Jesse McCartney is blasting through the radio and I can't help but to sing along.

I pull up to Destiney's victorian house and knock on the door. Her tall dark tanned skin mother opens the door.

"Well hello Journey, Destiney is just in her room." She says moving her black hair from her face.

I give her a small thanks and head to Destiney's room. I knock on her door and hoping she can hear me from her music.

She opens the door mad but when her eyes meet mine she gets all concerned.

"Aw, Journey, whats the matter?" She says pulling me into a tight hug.

I start sobbing on her and pull away.
"I got masscara on your shirt." I croak out.

"Don't mind my shirt! What happend to you!"

I shakingly give her the bag and she looks in side. She goes from her olive skin-tone to a very pale color.

"Journey, please tell me this, that this isn't yours." She whispers.

"It is." I said starting to sob.

"Oh my god. Honey tell me what happend! Who is the father?" She says pulling me into her warm hugs.

"Its- its, Austin Gibbson." I stutter out.

"What! Your telling me, that my bestfriend had sex with the schools player!" She shouts.

"Destiney shh, I don't want anyone to know." I say covering her mouth with my hand.

She muffles something under my hand. "What?"

"I said, I promise I won't." She says taking my hand off.

"Okay good! Now I'm going to go!"

I take the bag from her bed and run downstairs.

"Bye Mrs. James!"

"Bye Journey! See you tomorrow!" She screams back.

I walk outside and hear a basketball hitting the cold wet cement. I turn my head to the sound and my eyes look at that one person who I didn't want to cross paths with for awhile.

I start running to my car hoping thay he hasn't seen me. I'm about to reverse out of the drive-way until a knock on my window.

I jump in my seat and turn to the person who knocked. Great. Why did I have to leave so early!! I roll down my window and turn to Austin.

"Hi. My car broke down. Its pouring cats and dogs. Can you drive me to my garage?"

"Um yeah. Get in." I say unlocking the passenger side door.

He mutters a thanks and gets in and puts his seat belt on.

He tells me how to get there, even though I remember how to get there because I was there not even 10 weeks ago. We arrive in a matter of 10 minutes.

"Thanks. And nice car." He tells me before he leaves and runs into the garage.

I back out and into the road and head home hopefully my mom hasn't found out about it yet.

I pull up to my drive-way and notice that Destiney's car is in my drive-way. Maybe I left something there. I enter my house with a big smile on my face so that my mom doesn't get to suspicious.

"Mom I'm home!"

"In the kitchen!"

I walk into the kitchen and see Destiney, her mom and my mom all talking.

"What's going on?" I say dropping my keys on the counter.

"Well, honey Sarah over heared you and Destiney talking in her room." My mom says giving me a look.

Oh god. Please tell me they didn't find out. I look at Destiney and see a tear run down her face. I knew she didn't tell. She wouldn't do that to me. We have been friends since the 1st grade. She wouldn't betray me like that.

"Okay? What did you hear?" I say playing along.

"I over heared you saying that your pregnant with Austin Gibbson's child." She says giving me a look.

My face goes pale and I look at my mom. My mom's face looks all teary and I instantly start feeling bad.

"Mom- I didn't know how to tell you." I start sobbing.

"Oh honey. Your fine. I just wished you would have told me sooner." She says rushing over to me.

I hug her back and we pull apart both of our faces wet from crying.

"How far along are you?" She asks me with her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm about nine weeks." I say trying to remember.

"Here. I'll set you up an appointment for Dr. Larson and we'll go from there." She says going over to the phone and to call Dr. Larson.

I look at Destiney and her mom and they are all looking at my mom with shock. They probably didn't think that my mom would take this well. Well neither would I.

Edited 1-2-16

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