Chapter 2- Doctor's Appointment

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Chapter 2// Doctors Appointment//

On the side is Shelley Hennig and I thought she could play Journey. Tell me what you think in the comments.

"Are you ever going to tell you know who that he is the father?" Destiney asks me as she moves her feet side to side on the counter.

Right know we are currently in the bathroom during lunch time. It all happened by my morning sickness.

"Can you be quiet? I don't want anyone knowing that Austin is the father and that I am pregnant!" I say rinsing my mouth.

She gives me the look you-better-not-use-that-tone-on-me-again. And I instantly feel bad. I have been very bitchy due to my stupid pregnancy hormones.

"Sorry." I mutter before drying my hands.

"When do you go to your doctor appointment?" She says jumping off the bathroom counter.

"Today at 6:30."

We head out of the bathroom right when Kelly Shawn is about to enter. Kelly Shawn is the schools slut pretty much. She probably has had sex with every guy in the school including Austin.

She gives us a smirk before going into the bathroom with her clones right behind her tail.

"Wow. Does she ever not look slutty or bitchy?" Destiney ask opening the door to the library.

"Nah. I think only when she is getting it on." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

She giggles and starts getting her math textbook out. Finals is soon and then we finally be able to graduate. Graduation. That one thing that I have been looking forward to. To be able to go to college. But I can't. Know that I'm going to be having a kid soon.

"So what would it be? Journey?"

My thoughts got intrupted when a flying hand kept flying in my face.

"What? Sorry Destiney." I give her a small smile.

"What are you thinking about?" She says closing her textbook.

"Well, I was thinking, you are going to college and then Johnny is and I'm going to be stuck in my house having my baby. I won't be able to do what I want." I say looking down.

Before she can even answer our bestfriend Johnny comes to sit with us.

"Oh my god. It's chaos out there! And it's only 6th period!"

Johnny, Destiney and I have two free periods because we are on the honor rule and we are tutors.

"Why so John?" Destiney says giving him a smirk.

Johnny narrows his eyes at Destiney and gives her the I-told-you-not-to-call-me-that look before he continues. "I guess there is some posters on the wall. And Austin looks pissed." He says opening up his textbook.

"Dest, lets go take a look?" I say closing my textbook for history.

She gives me a nod and we head out of the library. All over the lockers and walls are blue, purple and pink posters. I grab one off the wall and read it.

Schools nerd Journey is PREGNANT! But get this, she is saying the baby's daddy is none other then AUSTIN GIBBSON!!

I show the poster to Destiney and she looks at me with big eyes.

"Who did you tell?" She says looking pale.

"I didn't. Someone over heard us in the bathroom." I say going pale.

"Oh my god! Look it's Journey!" A by stander says getting the others attention.

"Journey! Why don't you come up here and tell everyone."

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